"There must therefore be no lack of either righteousness on the one hand, or mercy on the other, for the integrity and maintenance of the throne of God. Now we may see why the adversary ever seeks to drag his victims before the throne as criminals. Men fear the great white throne of God because the adversary sows into their minds the spirit of condemnation, magnifying man’s sin, accentuating his unworthiness, and distorting the great Judge’s character by amplifying and exaggerating God’s wrath without counter-balancing his wrath with His mercy! Nowhere does scripture state that God’s throne is upheld by wrath, harshness, exactitude, or implacableness — to the contrary, it is upholden only by mercy! If there is an inability to show mercy — I speak with all reverence — God’s very throne is of no value to Him. If He is powerless to save those He loves, and wills to bless, of what good is His throne or His judgment? It lacks power — strength to carry out His will, and he is no longer supreme. Can you not see Satan’s attack upon God’s throne of judgment? He misrepresents it, distorts it, deforms it, perverts it, by robbing it of its MERCY!
Much more in the link:
Before the face of Him who sits upon the throne in the higher-than-all-heavens, the limitations of our present “in part” knowing of the Lord, every heaven of spiritual experience which is less than HIS FULLNESS, stands revealed as falling short of the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ — the image and glory of God. As God leads us onward and upward in Him from one glory to another we must realize that before the majesty of His great white throne, in the searching illumination of His eyes of flaming fire, none of our religiousness can stand, none of our spiritual immaturity can remain, none of the lesser realms of spiritual experience can abide — so all our heavens flee away, and no place is found for them! Is it not true that some of our heavens, or the exalted realms of spiritual experience we have known in God, have already passed away in our lives? Some of us first met God in a Baptist heaven, or a Catholic heaven, or a Pentecostal heaven, or a Mennonite heaven, or some other heaven, a spiritual place, realm, or dimension where we knew and experienced God on a certain level. But one day the moving of God came in our lives, we heard the voice of the Lord beckoning us to move on into a higher place (heaven) in Him and the heaven we had been living in with great joy and contentment suddenly rolled up like a scroll, passed away with a great noise, and no place was found for it within us anymore!"
"In the sovereignty and fullness of His throne there are no more “heavens,” no more companies, groups, classes, with various levels of servants, friends, apostles, prophets, pastors, bride, priests, or kings; no more traditional churches where people know the Lord through catechisms, liturgies, rituals, ceremonies, and sacraments; no more Fundamentalists who know Him only as Saviour, and Pentecostals and Charismatics who know Him also as Baptizer in the Holy Spirit; no more Word of Faith people who know Him as Healer and Provider; no more Deliverance people who know Him in the gifts of the Spirit, in signs, wonders and miracles; or still others who know Him in other glorious dimensions of truth and reality. John beheld the heaven and the earth fleeing away from before the face (full revelation) of Him who sits upon the throne. When all of our heavens and our earth have passed away we will find ourselves IN HIM — PLUS NOTHING! Oh, the wonder of it!"