"There must therefore be no lack of either righteousness on the one hand, or mercy on the other, for the integrity and maintenance of the throne of God. Now we may see why the adversary ever seeks to drag his victims before the throne as criminals. Men fear the great white throne of God because the adversary sows into their minds the spirit of condemnation, magnifying man’s sin, accentuating his unworthiness, and distorting the great Judge’s character by amplifying and exaggerating God’s wrath without counter-balancing his wrath with His mercy! Nowhere does scripture state that God’s throne is upheld by wrath, harshness, exactitude, or implacableness — to the contrary, it is upholden only by mercy! If there is an inability to show mercy — I speak with all reverence — God’s very throne is of no value to Him. If He is powerless to save those He loves, and wills to bless, of what good is His throne or His judgment? It lacks power — strength to carry out His will, and he is no longer supreme. Can you not see Satan’s attack upon God’s throne of judgment? He misrepresents it, distorts it, deforms it, perverts it, by robbing it of its MERCY!
Much more in the link:
"The message is just this — the wonderful work of the great white throne of judgment is not to condemn men and banish them to unending damnation in eternal fire. Oh, no! It is, rather, to bring God’s dealings of fiery judgment into men’s lives in such a manner and with such intensity as to finally roll up all their heavens and banish all their earth until they find themselves at home again IN HIM! And yet — there is a truth beyond this. Just as we are a “new creation in Christ Jesus,” so is there a new realm of manifestation of His glory, so that we are not to understand that when our heavens and our earth have fled away there is neither a heaven nor an earth to be found. It is specifically the one that fled away that will not be found! But notice, it is only the old earth and old heaven that are spoken of; and almost immediately afterwards the Seer exclaims, “I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away” (Rev. 21:1). The change is part of that “restoration of all things” of which the apostle Peter spoke when he wrote of the passing away of the present heavens and the present earth, and then said, “But, according to His promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness” (II Pet. 3:13)."
"The whole purpose of the great white throne judgment is to clear away all the old religious heavens that have ruled us, and the earth of the flesh and the works of the flesh that have bound us, to make way for God’s new order — the new heaven and earth of CHRIST’S KINGDOM."