I salute all my Frens on here..NEVER Self Censor, ALWAYS Speak Truth to Power, and NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! NCSWIC!!!
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This picture is so damn adorable🐸
Hey that's my cat!
I do self censor when it comes to foul language. I spent a good deal of my ears with a garbage mouth. It wasn’t until a couple years ago where I really came close to the Lord, and he has healed me from all the foul language that came out of my mouth. I don’t know if you would refer to that as censorship, but I know that the Lord says to not let any corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary edification. I am grateful I no longer sound like a Navy sailor, especially because I’m a woman. I articulate myself clearly with A very large vocabulary of words that don’t include foul language. However; I don’t judge others if they want to use them. It’s a personal choice. But my personal choice is to please the Lord.