The outcome could have been much different - and many lives saved - if Big Pharma hadn't been so successful at suppressing this generic pharmaceutical that was found to work against COVID-19.
The attack on tobacco was to cover up the effects of the SV-40 green monkey versus they contaminated (knowingly) the polio vaccine with in the late 50's and early 60's. The effect of SV-40 is soft cell cancer 10 to 20 years afterward. It wasn't long before everyone had the SV-40 virus.
They had to make second hand smoke cancerous since lots of those infected with the SV-40 virus did not smoke. I know the second smoke deal was a lie since me and my three brothers and sisters were raised in a home with two parents that smoked heavily indoors. We kids should have all died before we got to puberty.
Initially, they "proved" with shaved backed rats that nicotine was the cause of cancer. I remember seeing the films they put on B&W TV's. They backed off on that when Big Pharma came out with Nicorite Gum years later.
The Medical Cartel has been lying for a long time before their COVID-19 fear campaign to eliminate liberty on a global scale.