I think it means a couple of things.
Multiple meanings...
Israel will be last to experience "house cleaning".
Israel is a place the NWO goons find sanctuary.
Very special reason... Many suspect Israel was who actually attacked the USA on 9/11/01. They certainly attacked the USS Liberty. I believe 9/11 is "the reason" never discussed"
All cabal roads lead to Israel or it's dual citizens living abroad. Let's face it. Epstein, Wienstein, Maxwell... This certainly isn't a Protestant problem.
The founding of Israel was always a NWO agenda item. It's a rogue State actor intended to operate outside the confines of international law with impunity (NK is kinda like that too) Exactly what was needed to do certain things that influenced outcomes and documented history.
The Rothschild family has made Israel it's very special project. The Supreme Court there is dedicated to a Rothschild and is full of occult symbolism (including a stairwell designed as a cross so those that traverse it are trampling the cross). It is said that Israel will be the place for the NWO's world capital.
I would love to see a dig that exposes Israel's Nazi Party connections from WW2 and how that coin dropped to our current affairs.
I think it means a couple of things. Multiple meanings...
The founding of Israel was always a NWO agenda item. It's a rogue State actor intended to operate outside the confines of international law with impunity (NK is kinda like that too) Exactly what was needed to do certain things that influenced outcomes and documented history.
The Rothschild family has made Israel it's very special project. The Supreme Court there is dedicated to a Rothschild and is full of occult symbolism (including a stairwell designed as a cross so those that traverse it are trampling the cross). It is said that Israel will be the place for the NWO's world capital.
I would love to see a dig that exposes Israel's Nazi Party connections from WW2 and how that coin dropped to our current affairs.
The common denominator between Israel and the nazis is the Vatican.
Agree. Jesuits, Khazarian Jews are Zionist Nazis.