Eyemapepe2 1 point ago +1 / -0

One must demonstrate probable cause to gain a warrant and have access to the data that cleared DOD specialists have. Military Intelligence (NSA) would be the source to go to when you want to know the truth and get the facts on these sensitive matters.

Eyemapepe2 6 points ago +6 / -0

A "tell" is a subtle hint or clue that reveals the truth or exposes a lie. This Q post has NOTHING to do with Telegram or Gregg's warning and advice to abandon the platform.

Eyemapepe2 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not sure why this is stickied. Anyone who was reading this Q post when it was posted understood the context of current affairs surrounding the post and the posts context to Spygate/FISAgate.

Reading Q posts this late in the game is difficult. Many links are broken, news scrubbed, accounts linked no longer active... I understand some people's difficulties reading Q posts and struggling to understand them; especially now.

But the "news unlocks". To understand Q posts when they were posted, one had to be tuned into the daily news cycle and not get lost by the MSM misdirectios.

This seems to be happening more often lately... Either it's pedes that are new and didn't read drops when they came out (so they desperately reach for meanings and definitions) or it's shills intentionally mucking up the message.

It is illogical to attempt to interpret Q posts with every news development. Not everything is some sort of cryptic decode. Seems way off base. This is the kind of stuff that makes for a good "QAnon" hit piece.

Eyemapepe2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I trust Gregg. Solid dude. Solid warning... Seems to me that this is now a debate brought to us by the shilly shills looking to divide.

What is being revealed is that there is a threat to being doxxed and located/tracked. Socialists, Commies and Nazis have an ugly habit of turning shit lists into hit lists. I think that about sums up the threat.

We see how J6 prisoners are treated. We see the suspicion of a nuclear false flag. After midterms are over, I see no reason for them to not go full authoritarian in the wake of nukes. Pure speculation here, I know. But; targeted dissidents (or "Russian sympathizers) disappearing in the middle of the night is not the kind of thing that is unheard of in the history books.

You were warned... heed the warning seems prudent and reasonable.

Eyemapepe2 1 point ago +1 / -0


So this article...

KS is a known pedophile. KS opponents and accusers sometimes die. KS is an actor. "Actor"?

Read the article title and contrast to the story.

Title is about RAAAAAYSISM! The article is actually about his trial; but interspersed with all these tantalizing tid-bits about a supposed upbringing of a now wealthy and powerful celebrity pedophile. That's the "reel" story 🎥

The REAL story is how, once again, the law enforcement, courts and media cover for the Pedocracy.

I pray for Justice. I have faith that it will be sooner than later. Praise God and pass the memes!

by BQnita
Eyemapepe2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Looks to me like Danchenko will not be convicted in exchange for being a FBI CHS. We will see.

Dolan is the one that will lead to HRC and eventually Obama - cuz let's not forget that Russiagate evolved into Spygate.

Eyemapepe2 34 points ago +34 / -0

I think it means a couple of things. Multiple meanings...

  1. Israel will be last to experience "house cleaning".
  2. Israel is a place the NWO goons find sanctuary.
  3. Very special reason... Many suspect Israel was who actually attacked the USA on 9/11/01. They certainly attacked the USS Liberty. I believe 9/11 is "the reason" never discussed"
  4. All cabal roads lead to Israel or it's dual citizens living abroad. Let's face it. Epstein, Wienstein, Maxwell... This certainly isn't a Protestant problem.

The founding of Israel was always a NWO agenda item. It's a rogue State actor intended to operate outside the confines of international law with impunity (NK is kinda like that too) Exactly what was needed to do certain things that influenced outcomes and documented history.

The Rothschild family has made Israel it's very special project. The Supreme Court there is dedicated to a Rothschild and is full of occult symbolism (including a stairwell designed as a cross so those that traverse it are trampling the cross). It is said that Israel will be the place for the NWO's world capital.

I would love to see a dig that exposes Israel's Nazi Party connections from WW2 and how that coin dropped to our current affairs.