I'll bet that title got your attention. Bear with me...
At this point in the fight, I know most (if not all) of us have suffered strong backlash from those who cannot or will not see what is truly going on in this world. We call these deluded ones sheep, normies, NPCs, or sometimes just plain stupid.
It's difficult to muster up compassion or empathy for those who seem to willfully choose slavery and comfort over freedom and risk. Sometimes the negative reactions and consequences don't seem worth the effort to continually return to the well of self-flagellation when we get nothing but grief for our troubles.
So why bother?!
Here's why. Every single person we rescue from evil's clutches becomes a being of freedom and righteousness, and often they become the most effective warriors for spreading light and love. Who better to convince the seemingly lost of their own enslavement than former slaves?
So how do we prove Q wrong?
Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless' and forever brainwashed. #337 (12/13/2017)
4-6% LOST FOREVER. #529 (01/13/2018)
4-6% [brainwashed] will never wake up even when presented w/ FACTS. #3029 (03/11/2019)
Between Q's proddings, our own stubbornness, and the honorable service of our meme warriors, we've proven how effective coordinated white hat information warfare is. In the final stages of this battle for good over evil (for that is truly what this is), we know the cabal will lash out with everything they have and we will rise to meet them.
WIN-WIN: Even if we fail to breach the 4-6% of hopeless cases, every single person saved is a victory! No good being left behind.
Therefore, I have made it my personal mission to get well below the oft-mentioned 4-6%. And I hope you will all join me. Honestly, do you think Q would mind if we prove these particular numbers wrong? I'll bet not.
Who are we to judge the worthy from the unworthy though?
I can agree we will never awaken 100% of the slaves. But I was once deceived. I was once (at least partially) brainwashed. Does that make me unworthy of the effort? How many others out there who possess good hearts are trapped within the false framework built by the deep state? How will they be freed if never given an opportunity to see?
I try every day to keep my heart in the right place. Some days I'm less successful than others, but I still try. I am riddled with flaws, but I was still lucky enough to awaken, in great part thanks to efforts of other warriors who shared their information, their research, and their conviction. I cannot in good conscience not pay that forward.