I will let you know about my friend as updates come to hand. I occasionally will watch the msm 6pm news to see what fear they're pedalling; there's a bit about rising prices in general and risk of shortages. I think that a lot of people in oz are not actually capable of thinking for themselves. They have work and bills and that's the maximum their brains can process. I would like to have a farm to grow and sell food. I have heaps of friends in crypto, while I invest in my veggie garden.
I will let you know about my friend as updates come to hand. I occasionally will watch the msm 6pm news to see what fear they're pedalling; there's a bit about rising prices in general and risk of shortages. I think that a lot of people in oz are not actually capable of thinking for themselves. They have work and bills and that's the maximum their brains can process. I would like to have a farm to grow and sell food. I have heaps of friends in crypto, while I invest in my veggie garden.