In the information war, nothing is what it seems, and your mind is the battleground
In the information war, nothing is what it seems, and your mind is the battleground
tl;dr - Now that the cabal has apparently lost control of Twitter why wouldn't they want to burn it to the ground? What's Malone telling us now that 99% of the truther community hasn't already known for many years now anyway?
An article loaded with facts but it's hardly breaking news for the echo chamber he's speaking to now.
Why now? Why so late? Why write this now that Elon's purchase spells the imminent downfall of the platform as a safe playground for the Marxists and their followers?
Sorry folks, I'm calling out Dr. Malone just as I've called out BioClandestine in recent months and Pompeo since the days when he was everybody's hero on the Reddit Q-Boards back in 2017.
BioClandestine is a rookie, a noobie to Truherism/Conspiracy Theory and as such, he's getting a lot of things wrong with his analysis. He's likely just a regular guy riding the coattails of his Ukraine biolab dig. I've got nothing against him in the least, I'm just saying his larger digs are often full of holes he just doesn't see due to believing in the multitude of lies we've all been taught our entire lives that he's not yet aware of.
As to Pompeo, and what a small few of us remarked back in the day with our negative vote totaled posts being pushed to the bottom of threads on Reddit where few chose to scroll -> Once CIA, always CIA. Nothing more needs to be said.
As far as Dr. Malone goes, sure, he's been a champion of the anti-Covid jab brigade for some time now. He's been allowed to proceed because he's only preaching to those in the anti-Covid psyop echo chamber. In other words, he's controlled opposition for the Truther community, just as Fox Noise is controlled opposition for the Republicans. By the time he was voicing his concerns over the Covid jab, I'd guess 95%+ of those who were listening to him had already made up their minds not to take it.
He was Johnny-come-lately on the jab just like this Twitter article. In fact, he may only be assisting with the final takedown of Twitter now that Musk's deal has gone through. Of course they (cabal) are going to want to burn it to the ground now, right? The wheels are already in motion...
Dr. Malone has had ample opportunity to review the work of the "viruses don't exist" camp; 2+ years now and running. He's probably the one guy who, should he put his stamp of approval on the obvious, could turn the tides for all the many non-virologist "medical experts" out there who still cling to the virus lie. And that would be a MAJOR BLOW to the financial gravy train and credibility of big pharma and establishment medicine.
But Malone is happy to not comment on any of the FACTS demonstrated about the non-existence of viruses. I've seen him asked only once during an interview and he just tap-danced around the softball question he got, exactly as he should if he wanted to run cover for big pharma.
Stew Peters grilled Dr. Malone probably a year ago, on exactly what topic I can't recall. But Dr. Malone said that if he answered that question it would cost him his job. Stew lost his mind on Dr. Malone because he rightly argued that by Dr. Malone not speaking up, it was costing the lives of those who still believed in the jabs.
It's been a long almost-5 years now in these Q communities. I've been around since the start of it, and well before. Who remembers FBIAnon, SenateAnon and MegaAnon? All forerunner 4Chan psyops to Q.
Moral of the story: I hope everybody learns to take the bigger picture into consideration before praising the trustworthiness of loud voices out there that appear to be on our side. There aren't many. If I had a nickel for every person who trusted Sean Hannity 5 years ago when Q first appeared on the scene I'd be a zillionaire!
...please don't lose sight of the fact that there are new "eyes" showing up here everyday...
...lots and lots of handshakes if you hadn't noticed....
Fair enough A-Dog. I'm just calling 'em like I see 'em. I realize it's a journey and it takes time to absorb and integrate all the lies.
I usually don't comment unless the post is pinned just to add a bit of perspective.
But I hear ya and will take this into account going forward if it's the will of the Mods to make GA more normie-friendly.
Thanks for the heads-up!
...we were all a handshake once upon a time.... are a wonderful contributor and I treasure the time you take to comment on my posts... keep me "real"....
...doggy winks....
We sure were. It was a dark place for many months but I wouldn't go back if I could.