The American Republic is only the latest victim of this Khazarian plot to rule the whole world.
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Well, I read it through. It’s comical pseudo history at best. But interestingly self revelatory nonetheless. This guy is seething and needs a target. He’s using a sawed off shotgun and spraying without praying. (He’s not accurate, and any hits are accidental) There’s no mention of multi century Tartar occupation of all Asia and Middle East. Mongols don’t look like that mask and they’re not fake Jooz either. No mention of Scythians, Phrygians, Parthians, etc. No mention of massive Persian empire, or Bedouins etc.
I don’t deny “Khazars”, by any name, are afoot, but so are many other groups and cabals, too numerous to mention. There’s plenty evil in every “race”. Also jubilee was 50th year, not 7th.
It’s also notable that they praise the Crusader Templars and revile the “City of London”. They’re the same guys. Templars seem heroic these days, but in the 13th century they had the world by the balls, and acted like it. They weren’t popular. Everyone owed them money, and they collected forcefully. They also allied with the Aga Khan of Alamut (who still exists, but not at Alamut. ) operating with his Assassins in numerous intrigues. Or so it’s said. The history of Outremer (Palestine under Frankish rule) is cloudy at best. Replete with shifting alliances and internecine squabbles. They took King Abgar’s Mandylion (gifted him by Jesus Himself after resurrection, legend has it) to Europe when they left. It’s displayed in Turin occasionally. No such fame for the Suderium (face cloth) of Aviedo, but it too was lifted from it’s original location in Jerusalem and taken to Spain of all places. These two relics are authentic, and they match up with forensic precision. They prove each other. Cultural appropriation, maybe, but I’m glad it’s publicly known, instead of sealed in a city wall at Antioch. It’s had a long journey, but it lasted long enough for modern science to closely examine it. The latest information is astoundingly confirmatory. At least I found it compelling. I’m not alone in that.
Then he starts in on Constantine, and the Council of Nicea, and equates Rome and the Roman Church with Khazars, and tops it off with an attack on Jesus and the Gospels, and the “Old Testament” to boot, claiming “Christianity” is borrowed from Buddhism, while praising apocryphal texts which though not included in “the Bible” were kept preserved and studied for centuries in Orthodox Monasteries which survive to this day all over the Middle East, Russia, Eastern Europe, even North America. There’s no Partiarchate Bank of Constantinople! If you want to see what Constantinople used to look like now you must visit Venice. The Doges carted off the architectural splendor after sacking the City in 1204 and occupying it for the several decades it took. Don’t conflate Orthodoxy with Rome. They excommunicated the other 4 churches (Jerusalem Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople) in 1056. Over wether “Original Sin” implied Anna (Mary’s mother) gave virgin birth as well. That’s the “immaculate conception” concept. It’s based on a mistranslation by Augustine from Greek to Latin. Paul wrote in Greek, which was not Augustine’s best subject. Refuting Mani (of Manichaeism heresy) deserves high praise though. It’s just a nutty concept, but Rome demanded it be adhered to, along with Holy Spirit emanating from The Son as well as The Father, the so called Filioque. Rome went their own way, and in turn spawned Luther, Calvin, and so many others it’s impossible to list them. Maybe it’s for the best, I don’t know. At least we needn’t speculate as it’s all well known. Unlike the pseudo history of a phantom empire that coincidentally rules the world, sort of. They don’t rule me.
Other than that, it was moderately entertaining, in a janky looney tunes vein. Kinda like ancient aliens mixed with Triumph of the Will. Not true stuff. But I didn’t go to college, so what the hell do i know.
Immaculate Conception does not mean that Mary's mother was a virgin. It also doesn't mean that she was not conceived through sexual intercourse. It means that Mary was conceived without original sin, free from the effects of the sin of Adam.
I wasn’t there, so i don’t really know. I only know the dogma of my Church. Orthodox don’t believe in “original sin”. Anna was supposedly beyond child bearing age, and Joachim was incredulous, and was temporarily struck dumb for doubting it. That’s just tradition, but again, I wasn’t there.
Also no “Penal Substitutionary Atonement”. I found that comforting. But I’ve no way of verifying it.
I do know I’m not criticizing you personally. It’s a free country. Believe what you choose. I hope your pursuit of Truth will be fruitful.
I wish you well, too, my brother/sister.
Mary was conceived without original sin? Wow! I haven't heard that one before! So God, who created the universe, is not capable of having a virgin give birth? Wow, just wow!