posted ago by mitmont123 ago by mitmont123 +13 / -0

Canada’s active troop strength has been steadily declining since the end of the Cold War, dropping from 88,000 in 1989 to 72,000 in 2019. It currently stands at 63,781 — 10,000 short of where military brass think it needs to be to meet current demands — putting us behind adversaries and allies alike. Canada has about 1.9 active military personnel for every 1,000 people, compared to 2.1 in the United Kingdom, 2.5 in Australia, 4.2 in the United States and 7.1 in Russia, our perennial adversary and northern neighbour that has no qualms about using military force to achieve its aims.

When the US gets to the same as Canada the continent will resort to the draft. It’s coming folks.