Seriously, at a minimum if I were you and wanted to go the DIY route I would get on ivermectin (horse paste is fine), fenbendazole (Joe Tippens), and Tagamet (cimetadine). I left you another comment with other drugs you should probably be on but you'd need prescriptions or buy from overseas, the dewormers and Tagamet you can start today. I would start right now if I were you. 20+ year cancer survivor myself, if it makes you feel any better it really is possible to beat it sometimes and get your life back, so don't waste any time getting started.
Seriously, at a minimum if I were you and wanted to go the DIY route I would get on ivermectin (horse paste is fine), fenbendazole (Joe Tippens), and Tagamet (cimetadine). I left you another comment with other drugs you should probably be on but you'd need prescriptions or buy from overseas, the dewormers and Tagamet you can start today. I would start right now if I were you. 20+ year cancer survivor myself, if it makes you feel any better it really is possible to beat it sometimes and get your life back, so don't waste any time getting started.