We know what they are capable of and we know they are already changing the flu vaccine to be an mRNA type. Who can say they won't do the same with EVERY vaccine in the future? Rubella, chicken pox, measles, polio, etc.
How can we trust them, knowing they willfully and happily produced billions of shots and boosters specifically meant to kill us? Kill our children!?!?!
I'm going full ANTI-VAX / homeopathic from here on out.
Oh just wait until you realize there's never been any real proof of viruses either.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait ..... WHAT?!?!
Tell me more, please.
I have no credentials for any of this but this is my understanding, take it with salt and think about it yourself.
Just because someone shows you a slide of cellular debris doesn't make it a virus. The "isolates" that are available are mostly just cocktails and not a true isolation like a layman would think of it. Likewise if you have gotten sick before with chicken pox, the flu, or a cold doesn't mean scientists have isolated the viruses.
1% of our DNA codes genes. Once DNA gets turned into RNA it undergoes splicing, recombination etc. It comes off as one strand then loops off gets spliced in the middle and gets rearranged and basically creates novel sequences. So depending on the health of the host it can splice and rearrange and process it in different ways to get a unique set of sequences.
Those sequences are what's being toted as a virus when instead it's just our very own self dealing with the sickness in its own way.
So in essence, they are misinterpreting the RNA sequences as non-self. A virus has never been shown to come from a particle outside the body or from a pure organism other than a human. Our bodies process these non-coding RNA to help deal with that condition. We may be able to detect some of these in our body and we may deal with problems similarly that matches that state of health, instead they're showing evidence of our bodies RNA making novel sequences for the purpose of promoting self health against the non-coding RNA like colds, flus etc.
SO. Do viruses exist? People certainly get sick. They also certainly IMHO identify them solely on our bodies self healing. I think all these MRNA vaccines are going to try to force your body to fit a one shape fits all and will kill everyone off as they're now unable to handle a myriad of sicknesses that's unique to self. Maybe the MRNA vaccines simply make it so our bodies stop this process of self healing.
Also excellent. Entire cellular structure as it has been taught is bogus. Harold Hillman figured it out in the 60’s and 70’s.