The Left is so wedded to the idea that all racism is some form of “White Supremacy™” that Charles Blow of the New York Times has created an entirely new category of White Supremacy to worry about: “light supremacy.”
It's just my opinion but I think a lot of her Spanish was lost in translation. I listened to it and I don't hear the racism. Maybe if someone can point it out.
She said that gay white dude who adopted a black kid uses the black kid like a political prop and that he doesn't discipline him or correct his wild behavior.
That the kid was rocking the float and they nearly tipped over. That the kid was wild, bouncing, and swinging around like a little monkey.
She didn't call him a monkey because of his color but because of his monkey behavior.
The one thing I did find funny was how she said she wanted to take the kid around the corner and spank him like Latina moms do. She then said, "They treat him like he's white and that's not going to fly with him" lol