YO! Haters! So, GAW rolling with the Danchenko trial verdict is "moving the goalposts," is it? Like Danchenko was our big end goal or something? That's your big 'gotcha' for us? That's *retarded*. LOOK INTO MY EYES:
🧠 These people are stupid!

With all the accepted evidence and testimony from the earlier trials. The lowest level people are almost worthless. None of them know the big picture. Remember that with a lot of low level trials, things can build up exponentially so that the highest ones will be convicted sooner that you might imagine.
Also, we don't really know how many of the "big ones" have already taken their dirt naps. No Name and Bush for sure, and possibly Hillary and Bite Me.
Just keep your drawers on and prepare for more short term things, like this extra hard winter coming up and food shortages. I'm ready, but still buying more while the stores still have stuff.