posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +56 / -1

But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God — Hebrews 10:12

A few years ago, my wife and I purchased a foreclosed home that needed a lot of repair. We had only been married a couple of years and we were excited for what the home could be for us. I remember the day that we bought the house. The tasks that needed to be completed seemed so small. Little did we realize it was only the beginning.

We went through the house removing cabinets, flooring, repairing holes, and much more. It seemed like each day the costs would add up and the amount of work continued to pile on. Little by little, we checked the things off our list of work. In a couple of months, we moved into the home. I still remember one of the first things that I did when we finished moving in. I sat down to just enjoy what we had accomplished.

There were many of our neighbors who talked about how damaged the home was and the number of repairs that were needed. They knew what the home used to be. So many of them knew all the dirt and filth inside of it. We saw something in that home and knew it was worth the price paid and work given.

When Jesus looked through time and saw all of us, our sins, our damage, and the work that would be needed to save us from our sins, He thought we were worth it. He took on the flesh of man, lived a sinless life, died, rose again, and ascended, paying the ultimate price for all sins. What did He do after His work was completed? We see in Hebrews that He sat down.

He didn’t sit down just to admire His work like I did with my home. He sat down as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The job is complete. Sin has been conquered and Jesus won! If you know Him as Savior, praise Him today! If you do not know Him, learn more about accepting Jesus as Savior today.

Jared Dyson