"Never forget, dear reader of these lines, that the book of Revelation reveals the processes that God takes His people through so that the bride can make herself ready, arrayed in linen pure and white; so that the manchild can be birthed and caught up to God’s throne of authority, power, and dominion; and so that all creation can be redeemed, purged, and transformed by the fiat of the almighty Creator and Redeemer. "Behold, I make all things new!" Ah, that is the mystery! In former times we supposed the book of Revelation was about God’s vindictive, implacable vengeance poured out upon the inhabitants of the world, and we felt sad for them, or perhaps some felt glad, feeling that mankind deserved what they would get! Only now, in the light that the Spirit brings, can we say with the beloved Seer of Patmos, "Blessed, happy, to be envied is the man who reads the word of this prophecy!" (Rev. 1:3). No, it’s not about devastating the earth, tormenting and killing millions of people, or sending billions of souls to eternal doom — it’s about MAKING ALL THINGS N-E-W!"
Read all about it in the link:
"Our world today needs the new men that Christ makes! New men are the key to everything else that must be renewed. Therefore the making of new men is the first priority of the kingdom of God. Do you, precious reader of these lines, feel alone, insignificant, unlettered, unlearned, and helpless in the face of the needs of mankind and the world? Have you not wondered how in the world you could ever rule nations and change great and important things in the world when you are just an ordinary person of little influence, unknown by anyone? Ah, the preparation for sonship and rulership in the kingdom of God is not rooted in your natural talents or abilities, or in your knowledge of theology, or economics, or government, or public speaking, or a thousand other things that the world esteems. Oh, no! Qualification for the kingdom lies in our becoming new men. Only by the making of new men can the sons of God be equipped to reign and bring the kingdom of God to pass in the earth! Our world desires better schools, a better press, better politicians, better government, a better business world, a better economy, better living conditions, better social institutions, better communities. These desires are laudable, but they cannot be achieved with unchanged men!"