I put myself in sheep shoes and now I feel dirty. ๐Ÿธ JAB THE FROG ๐Ÿธ
posted ago by WrinkleBrain ago by WrinkleBrain +185 / -2

I've put myself in their shoes (this post is from a theoretical position. I am not jabbed in reality). I got jabbed, and now I have to watch other people who got jabbed begin collapsing of heart failure. I now have to wonder when it's my turn.

I look at those who refused the jab and I hate them. I hate them not because of them, but because I wish I were them. I outwardly ridicule them, but inwardly I want to be them.

I exist in a state of constant fear, but I cannot consciously blame those responsible because then I'd have to admit I was wrong. I cannot.

So instead, I ridicule those who refused to comply. My conscious mind believes they're worthy of my ire, but subconsciously I know they are better than me. Stronger. More intelligent. And I hate them for it.