The past decade for me has been a strange one, on one hand very similar to most of your experiences. On the other hand, I haven't been able to shake the perception that I'm not learning or discovering this Grand Lesson, but recovering memory of this all happening in the past (or elsewhere, as I can't totally rule out parallel/alternate reality yet).
Every single aspect of what has been a gradual, yet total paradigm shift ends up fitting into a larger puzzle. However, I do sometimes have pieces sideways, only later to see those parts in their proper perspective. So I leave you with this as a disclaimer.
I am currently under the impression that the current 'takeover' already happened and was thwarted without anyone in the general population taking notice. The smoothest of smooth operations.
Imagine yourself as one of those heroes for a moment (honestly could actually be some souls that contributed on this site). Could you really just move on and let everyone pretend the most catastrophic, horrifying thing (un)imaginable to our world didn't happen? Or do you maybe put on the most elaborate of shows and allow everyone to live it, without the ultimate consequences? I don't think it's coincidence that the actors are struggling with their's not easy to even pretend to be that enemy.
I'm well short of total recall, so no ending yet, but seeing as how most people here are learning the lesson and on the correct side of the 'war' I don't see harm coming from this being a potential 'spoiler'. What I mean by 'Relax (kinda)' is to be at peace whilst you step up to reclaim your world.
I have often thought of that position on what we are seeing. The loss of life with the vaccine makes me want to reconsider but then I think the loss of life in a civil war would be much worse.