But there is something darn close, and God in his infinite mercy offers it up to us each and every day, if you're willing to pay attention.
It's called the World.
Or, Za Warudo, if you prefer. JoJo reference, I know, but I have a reason for it.
We humans don't have the advantage of being able to stop time. At least, not yet. So, the world keeps on turning and the clock keeps ticking regardless of whether or not you're ready to make that all-important decision in your life.
Tick. Tock.
Finding Connections
Because we can't stop time on a dime, especially when shit hits the fan, we have to take time to prepare, to practice, and to have patience for the moments in between the times to act. So that when it is time to act, it's practically all down to muscle memory.
Which brings me to the Cheat Code God inserted into life which takes some of the preparation and guesswork out of the whole thing.
God cleverly put little scenarios in nature such that we may learn very important lessons from everyday occurrences. Morals, Parables, Analogies, Metaphor, Dynamics, Geometry -- whatever word you wanna give it, the Spirit of the immutable Truth within speaks the same language. It's the Tongue of God speaking to us and telling us exactly how to find success in our Fallen State.
Whether you see a cloud wafting through the sky, see how animals interact with one another, or just take the time to admire how the leaves turn over before it rains; nature is speaking to us in ways that the most astute and discerning of us can make notes of and utilize in other situations.
This goes into the Modular and Fractal nature of the World.
Fulfilling our Human Potential
We can take the relationships between two things and use them as reference to build in a similar construction. We can record these "happenings" and apply those lessons in various other situations.
Every Parable Jesus tells is doing just that. Offering up lessons that the common man can understand, because it is intrinsic in nature and the world around us, and then transpose those relationships in new and inspired situations.
To really come into communion with God, one must not only apply already recorded Parables like exist in the Bible, but go beyond that and RECORD YOUR OWN PARABLES!
Plant and beast cannot do this. They cannot write let alone record a "happening" for reference and insight on how to accomplish various ends. Such a thing is well beyond their capacities.
What make us Human, a favored Creature of God, is that we have the capacity to both learn in the form of behavioral conditioning as well as plot a course for building our own behavior in the form of preparation, practice, and patience.
Start a Record
So, if you want the Cheat Code to life, start writing down lessons you learn each day. If you aren't learning any, then why are you putting your life up to chance and risk like the beasts of the forest? Instead, study the beasts as they stumble around in the darkness. Record what works and what fails. Then invariably apply what works. Commit them to memory, and then muscle memory.
That's one of the best parts of being Human, and it's also one of the better Graces God bestows upon us, simply because learning practical things is fun.
For anyone curious, this is actually the nicest way I could find to clarify the finer points of the phrase: