Sorcha Faal needs financial support and wrote this clever letter on ZBM2 drawing an analogy with our current situation. I thought the Q and Z codes were worth sharing.
First twelve Q-codes listed in the 1912 International Radiotelegraph Convention Regulations Code Question Answer or notice QRA What ship or coast station is that? This is ____. QRB What is your distance? My distance is ____. QRC What is your true bearing? My true bearing is ____ degrees. QRD Where are you bound for? I am bound for ____. QRF Where are you bound from? I am bound from ____. QRG What line do you belong to? I belong to the ____ Line. QRH What is your wavelength in meters? My wavelength is ____ meters. QRJ How many words have you to send? I have ____ words to send. QRK How do you receive me? I am receiving (1–5). (1) is unreadable and (5) is perfect. QRL Are you busy? I am busy. QRM Are you being interfered with? I am being interfered with. QRN Are the atmospherics strong? Atmospherics (noise) are very strong.
Some example Z codes ZAL I am closing down (until...) due to.... Work...
- Simplex;
- Duplex;
- Diplex; ZAP I am closing down (until...) due to....
- Multiplex;
- Single Sideband;
- With automatic error correction system;
- Without automatic error correction system.
- With time and frequency diversity modem C&W ZBK Are you receiving my traffic clear? NATO ZBK1 I am receiving your traffic clear NATO ZBK2 I am receiving your traffic garbled NATO ZBM2 Place a competent operator on this circuit C&W ZLD2 I cannot transmit pictures. C&W ZSF Switch off...(1. IFF; 2. IFF sets for 10 minutes in area denoted except for ships whose call signs follow). C&W ZBW no. Change to backup frequency no. C&W ZBZ(1-5). Measure of Printability (Where 1=Garbled/unreadable & 5=Perfect) C&W ZUJ Stand by. NATO
They are military intelligence and still being used. We need to set up a Frens Numbers broadcast, they sound quite simple