Anyone have info on this or Tocilizumab monoclonal antibody? My Dad is 92, has COVID. We said no to remdesivir and have the option of Tocilizumab.
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Why not get ivermectin horse paste and administer that by mouth or rub it over his body as an alternative? Many have said that it works that way too.
Yes I’m doing that. Thank you!
I will keep your family in my prayers. I’m not a doctor but Vitamin C-2000mg and Vitamin D 10,000 IU May be beneficial, along with the ivermectin, zinc and quercitin. Follow the IFLLC protocol.
Thank you! I will do. He’s doing better today.
Great, glad to hear it.
Shawn Hannity was pushing these for a long time,I don't know much else about them.
I use ivermectin,my brother got sick and used it he was fine in a couple days.
They involve aborted fetal cells somewhere along the way.
Did not know that.
Oh no that is not good. Ty!
The ivermectin is in his applesauce. Wink wink. He has the option for monoclonal antibodies but I don’t know much about them. There is also baricitinib as an option.
I belive they do work,but the applesauce should take care of it.
I recd Tulsi(tocilizumab) in December as well as my husband for inpatient hospitalization r/t Covid. To be honest I did NOT feel a difference from the monoclonal antibody. I was receiving a steroid every 6 hours. Definitely reject the Remdesivir! As an ICU nurse I did not see Remdesivir make a difference in Covid recovery, but it did send patients into renal failure and affect the liver negatively. Will they consider HCQ?
BTW, Tulsi has a "serious but rare" side effect of bowel obstruction and/or bowel perforation! Seven days after receiving the infusion i began experiencing severe abdominal pain(I had been discharged to home by then). After two days of continuous pain with no reason for the pain, I returned to the hospital ER; after a CT scan I was told I had a "lower GI bowel perforation that was encapsulated". I had to have a drain placed in the encapsulation, nasogatric tube placed to decompress my stomach, and a long round of IV antibiotics which resulted in another 7-day hospital stay. My husband recd the same monoclonal antibody infusion, but had no side effects...I was the "lucky" one...
Oh my, thank you for the info, That is very helpful!, hope you are doing well now!
Thank you. I am fully recovered. It’s very disturbing to go from healthy to two hospital stays each a week long within a week of each other. I will pray for your family.
That would have really scared me. I’m glad everything is ok now. Thank you for the prayers. I really appreciate everything.
I will say a prayer bud.....just found out this morning my 97 yo grandpa and 95 yo grandma have family won't let me give them the horse paste. I gave them my stockpile of powder l-ascorbic acid, zinc, d3, and quercetin.
You do understand that old people die right? Stop saying they have “Covid.” 90fucking7 is OLD. A strong breeze could kill these people.
Thank you! God bless you and your family?
I don't suppose they'll give him intravenous vitamin C. That helps.
No but I brought him gummy vit c. Ty!
He does not have “Covid,” he’s 92 and his body is failing. I’m sorry, but look at the average life expectancy.