Part of the meaning of the number 44 comes from Jesus' earthly ministry. The Lord was crucified and killed on Wednesday, April 5 in 30 A.D. He appears, after being resurrected, eight times to different sets of people. His ninth and last appearance in the flesh takes place on Thursday, May 18. On this day he gives his final instructions to his disciples and then ascends to God's right hand (Acts 1:4 - 12). The period between his crucifixion and his ascension is 44 days.
Whoa. I was born on a Wednesday April 5th (different year obviously). That is a cool fact to know.
A theory was posted here earlier this year that Jesus was born between 1815 and 1945hrs, September 11th, 3 BC. Links:
Septembern11th -The true Date of Jesus' Birth
Question: Does anyone have the link to the article about 911 being the actual date of Jesus' birth that was posted recently.
Jesus died when he was 33. In 8 years time is the 2000th anniversary of his death. I'll start this post how I finished it. Whoa.
I'll add a bit more.
Apparently April 5th 2030 is a Friday. However, I checked and Easter is on April 21st that year. This means that Good Friday will be on April 19th.
However, the next time April 5th falls on a Wednesday is next year. As it turns out, Easter is on the following Sunday, April 9th.
So why are the Cabal so fixated on getting their Great Reset done by 2030? They seem to known what's coming and are trying to get ahead of it maybe?
Because they think they control the world. Even if they kill Trump, and then kill 5.5 billion people, God is going to put a stop to their fun.
That's what Satan wants