I am calling it for what it is, a False Flag Operation. Other False Flag Operations include the Black Plague because the Government let conditions get horrific and the Spanish Flu because World War I didn't kill enough people.
The difference between these Trump court rulings and the Supreme Court ruling on student loan relief is the fact that student loan relief was administered only through the Department of Education and didn't have congressional backing.
True. There is opportunity cost in everything we do. For all of us, the benefits must outweigh the negatives. For President Trump, he could have marched into retirement and played golf every day. Instead, he is the President of the United States with the threat of assassination hanging over his head every day. That is also true with the penny as somebody has to make it. President Trump wants that opportunity cost to go towards producing other currency.
I suspect that the Federal Reserve is overcharging for the production of our currency. It shouldn't cost anything to produce any of our currency. If anything, the Fed should forgive at least 20 trillion dollars of our debt. Besides Congress should produce our currency and it should cost nothing to produce it.
I think we will find out that the shuttle program cost about 90% less than reported.