posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +40 / -4

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. — Matthew 24:31

A few years ago, I was in Washington, DC for work. I was not far from the White House and one day I decided to take in the monuments and enjoy the history of the town. As I made my way toward the Smithsonian, I had to pass directly by the White House.

I noticed that there were many Secret Service agents nearby. They were riding their bicycles and standing on the rooftops. It was quite the site to see. Then, I started to hear sirens and there was the announcement by the group of Secret Service agents. At first, it was startling as we were instructed to back up and get out of the way. They formed a barricade and said we had to move now. Why? Because the President was coming.

I had never witnessed a Presidential motorcade before. It was quite the site to see. Without much warning, the sirens blared and the forceful instructions came. While the moment impressive to see, it only change the area for just a few moments. It seemed like a simple disruption as soon as the President was past.

As impressive as the motorcade was, nothing will compare to the day of the Lord’s return! The trumpets are going to sound, announcing the coming of our Lord once again. The sound of those trumpets may be startling to many, but for the Christian, it is a moment of celebration.

A few verses later, Jesus reminds that no man knows the day or the hour. We must be ready and watchful, because, at any moment, Jesus could come again. If that trumpet were to sound today, are you ready? If not, today would be a great day.

Jared Dyson