60 Stafford High School In VA Cancel Classes After Half Student Body Sick With Flu. With Compromised Immune System Due To 💉 What Do They Expect. posted 2 years ago by lovecymru 2 years ago by lovecymru +61 / -1 More here. https://thehill.com/homenews/3699509-about-1000-students-absent-from-a-virginia-high-school-with-flu-like-symptoms/ 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Wasn't there news last week about a school in CA (I think San Diego) where half of the kids were out sick with the flu?
Here it is: https://patriots.win/p/15K6OAoGQT/san-diego-high-school-has-40-of-/c/