posted ago by amani3 ago by amani3 +34 / -0

“The 8th step of the GLOBAL WALKOUT is to watch the new documentary called ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’. Take it a step further and try to convince a fence-sitting friend to watch it with you. Do whatever it takes…maybe their favourite wine, dinner or dessert.”

(Watch documentary free until October 28) https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/trailer/

https://globalwalkout.com/step-8/ https://globalwalkout.com/ https://reignitefreedom.com/

Steps 1-7 Step 1: KEEP CASH ALIVE! Step 2: Support family-run grocery stores and purchase locally grown products Step 3: Unsubscribe from all mainstream media outlets! Step 4: Support small banks—Move accounts to a union or local bank! Step 5: Display your country’s flag upside down Step 6: Get together once a week with friends and family to start building a community from your home Step 7: No more self-checkouts or QR Codes

Social Media Sites Clouthub - https://clouthub.com/g/ReigniteFreedom Telegram - https://t.me/reignitefreedom YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjnJJbXYGQ61btd2_yVoXsw Rumble - https://rumble.com/c/c-1667655 Twitter - https://twitter.com/ReigniteFreedom Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/reignitefreedom/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ReigniteFreedom