"If Elon buys Twitter, he'd own EVERY piece of intellectual property that goes with it. Including the Data Servers. What happens if Twitter's mainframe servers are located at the CIA HQ in Langley? Interwoven into those servers would be EVERY piece of intelligence from every CIA / FBI / DoD... "

No way they would put ownership of all the servers under a single publicly traded company.
Like AWS? They do. Literally everyone does. Every corporation and government agency.
DOD, FBI, CIA, Congress, you name it.
Maybe. I don’t have any knowledge on this, but it would make more sense for Twitters traffic to run through some blackop servers wholly owned by a deep state entity than it would fit all of the shady deep state hardware (for multiple tech companies) to be sitting within Twitter.
I will toss a bone.
NSA brass revolving door leads to Amazon Board of Directors.
'Dastin AF.
Everyone traffics their data through AWS. Amazon Web Service hosts the data on their servers. You can find the government contracts regarding this from the CIA to DOD to FBI to anyone else.
Almost every major corporation does the same, and not just in America. Most western nations use AWS.
Twitter uses AWS.
You might be considering the back end software, but not the physical data storage.
I would not agree that the software is some CIA software either. It is Deep State software, however.
It's called Salesforce, Clearforce, Palantir, and whatever other name / companies are out there.
The basic premise is using AI algorithms tailored to your mission to sift data and produce results. Whether that's targeting terrorists, Americans, or tweets.
While it's the most dangerous threat to freedom we are facing, it's actually out in the open. Twitter openly works with Salesforce and allows integration.