I just explain it like this. Every culture around the earth has crime families and organized crime.
The Italians are famous for their mafia families. The Russians they have mafia families too. The Japanese have the Yakuza. The Chinese have the Triads. In South and Central America they have the cartels. The Spanish have the Galician clans. There are Romanian mafia families too. There are even Indian mafias!
It's actually pretty foolish to think that the Jews are so pure and clean and unshakably virtuous that they don't have any mafia families within the community at large when they are just as human as everyone else. Of course not every Jew or Jewish family is part of the organized crime racket. Just like not every Mexican or Colombian is a cartel member. But it's not unreasonable to have a discussion about the alleged Jewish crime families that do exist, such as the Soros family.
It's not anti-Semitic to ask questions about whether or not is George Soros is a threat. The literal nation of Israel declared George Soros a threat, unless everyone forgot. Link below:
So, considering that, why shouldn't we be able to have a discussion about it?
Any normie that is still even halfway sane will be pretty much disarmed by that point.
Im Jewish.
Thanks. Making differentiation is important. When things are left opened to interpretations, people, sensitive people especially, will assume the worst.
Words matter. When you cast all Jews or all Christians as being a certain way or type, you would always be wrong every time. Being specific with words matters.
Some ordinary Jew who has an honest job and follows the rule of law is nobody's enemy.
Not all of us, or even most are the problem and would not want to be even if it was profitable. Many of us quietly recognize Christendom saved our people.
Its hard to see that with so many high profile Jewish gangsters. Humble people can be afraid.
Your post is greatly appreciated.
Most of us want EXACTLY what you all want.
To be left the fuck alone, to work, run legit businesses, and raise our families in peace. Its not bloody hard to figure it all out.
Nationalism or Globalism.
That's the real choice everyone needs to make.
Jews get a free pass to practice rampant nepotism and regularly shut down legitimate concerns with cries of "anti-semitism". All of the things they accuse "white supremacists" of doing. Additionally, if they ever fuck up so bad they need to flee justice, Israel will take them in with open arms.
Power corrupts. And jews do have power that most of the population doesn't.
This link should work