posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +14 / -1

Edit: adding some additional thoughts here. So based off the responses I believe this group fast can be something very positive for this group. Still gathering my full thoughts though. Do u guys feel we should do a single day or a period of days. Part of me is thinking we do a 10 day period leading up to the election. That way if we cant make that one day we are still able to participate. Even if ur unable to fast for whatever reason, we need all the prayer warriors we can get praying for the fast and election. We all know the demons rhat control things are very powerful and I believe through Prayer and fasting we can finally cast them all out.

Prayer and fasting.

So Prayer Garden is doing a fast this week for all those that feel led. Which got me thinking about maybe leading a group .win fast as well. We would be fasting for 24hour or how ever long u feel led, and praying over this place and that the demonic clutches over the election will be removed. That they will be cast out for good. So im just kinda testing the waters to see if any here would feel led to join in. Depending on response to this post i will go forward witg planning and promoting something this next week. Love u all