Let's look at the possibility that Biden takes a booster and his heart explodes shortly after.
Then they point the finger at Pfizer and/or Moderna and the narrative shift to cannibalize Big Pharma to save the rest of the Cabal infrastructure ensues.
The flood gates on the "vaccine" genocide are clearly ready to burst, and I can only assume they have contingency plans to be able to shift gears and get on the side of the debate that doesn't make them look like genocidal maniacs. I'm not saying it will work, but only that they will try to make it work using what's left of their propaganda matrix.
Anyways... I see a potential game plan where Biden gets the ouchie, his heart blows out of his chest, his already applesauced brain explodes, and the autopsy comes back showing us more of the same in terms of clots, death noodles, heavy metals, etc.
They blame Pfizer and the Democrats eat their own, saying they were duped by his vaccine. They muster up what little support from the "moderate" right in order to refurbish their public image and vow to "put aside partisanship" in order to take out the big bad meanie Pharma companies and address their wanton Capitalism that led to the biggest case of medical malpractice in history. See how Socialism can creep in with that angle?
Also, with this game plan they still get to blame Trump for the "vaccines", we must not forget...
It's a long shot, and I doubt they will try for this because it's stupid as hell, but we must admit that it is on the table. Desperation breeds stupidity, so I wouldn't be surprised.
If not by taking out the highest office in the land, and get a chance to strike a blow at Trump's "vaccine", how else can they walk back the 2-year "vaccine" propaganda war and global psychological operation?
Making Biden a martyr to torch Big Pharma and hide in the smoke doesn't seem like an impossible play.
What do you think are the pros and cons?
This absolutely won't happen. Did you forget that they can just pull out the same celebrity autopsier (coroner?) they pulled out for Martin Luther King Jr. and Epstein? They'll just say he was old and the inevitable happened. Let's not pretend like Biden without any vax wouldn't still be very susceptible to heart attacks. He's basically an octogenarian with possibly the most stressful job on the planet, a dead son he actually liked, and a living son who is a constant, stressing disappointment. Not to mention the very possible dementia.
I really don't think the dam walls are buckling as much as you think they are.
No, you don't understand. Biden dying is their play to make, so I agree with you on that.
Biden has to go though, either dead or dementia'd. After midterms is ideal, so they can blame a corpse for the imploding economy and move on pushing a moderate agenda now that the gender mania is at its peak with nowhere left to go but down.
They have to play the "Biden must go" card to swing the pendulum back. Their attempt to NWO us and take us through the clock's housing failed, so they have to crawl back to center somehow.
Blaming Pfizer for the death or debilitation of a President is a good show of faith for their moderate strike team, if they play it right. Of course, I think it's too late for that, but I'm doing my best to think like them and consider what cards are left to play in this game. Blaming Big Pharma, Trump, and 25thing Biden all in one swing is an efficient play, though it is a tactical retreat by all metrics...
I mean, agreed that 25thing or a corpse is the only way for Dems to retain White House (this is generally agreed upon in leftist circles as well, who are really looking forward to Biden's death, even though they don't expect Harris to be much "better" in their terms) - that is, assuming by 2024 Trump hasn't either been banned from running or revealed that he was secretly President all along.
But I really think you are way off the mark on a reverse being in the works. The story on vaccines is not going to change, and I really don't get why so many here think the tide is turning. Y'all have got to remember that you are still on the fringe, and movement you see on your fringe, is still basically movement within the overall fringe. I mean, this place gets only 1.7 million monthly views. Like the communists, y'all are passionate but not as numerous as you think you are, and your logic is not as unassailable to the middle 70% as you hope.
I am not saying any of this as a diss or value judgement, but as a point of perspective. For public tide to turn, you will need mass deaths before TPTB abruptly reverse narrative. No way a single 80 year old croaking triggers that - there's no reason for them to. It's an illogical play and it's illogical to expect that play. And again, there's an entire bucket of extremely plausible reasons for that man to die before vaccines come up. It's incredibly deniable, so there's no reason to suddenly scrap all that hard work.
Moreover, you must remember that COVID was just the fifth or so, and the first Big One. Scientists have been saying since the 90's that anti-environmental practices like factory farming, deforestation, and a general encroachment on wildlife will lead to an increase in zoonotic diseases. SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and now COVID-19. We can argue about/speculate upon how naturally/intentionally this pattern rose, but the pattern is clear - COVID-19 will not be the last, and there does seem to be an escalation in ability and effectiveness with each new example. Changing the narrative on vaccines now would be like firing your defensive line during the third quarter.