I don’t know if this is a connection or not but I’ve been listening to a lot of Andrew Huberman’s podcasts. What if the masks are causing perpetual fear by design? What if it was known the crappy homemade and general surgical masks do nothing to protect people from disease but have been pushed because they know they will trap the wearer into believing they’re about to die “of Covid” because they keep rebreathing their own co2 and it’s all part of the plan?
Idk, I hesitated to post this but it’s interesting and the thought keeps nagging at me. It’s so obvious the masks people have been wearing are garbage and if they really thought they worked, why wasn’t FEMA or Natl guard distributing n95s or respirators? It just seems more purposeful suffocation and creating perpetual life or death level fear than anything else, to me.
I just received a text this am a friend showing me how cute the girls Halloween costume is
A spider on her head with a wrapped around mask over child’s face (4th grade) Texas
I said what’s on her face -> stupid parents !
I received and still receiving how dare you ! Shame if you ! She’s sick with cancer and flu is going around needs this protection > full stop
I said well then maybe a true medical mask idk or none because breathing her own Could definitely say more like the childhood immunizations gave her the cancer as they are laced with cancer and it’s parasitic so no mask of any sort will do any good. Take the MSM down!!! NOW!!! - these people live and (die) by the msm false narrative and lies
The fear state imo is in full action still
The amount of information facts charts numbers links I’ve sent over years I bet not one was read or opened. If it’s not on the msm they will not consider otherwise ..critical thinking skills are so gone and on purpose over ages!
I don’t know if this is a connection or not but I’ve been listening to a lot of Andrew Huberman’s podcasts. What if the masks are causing perpetual fear by design? What if it was known the crappy homemade and general surgical masks do nothing to protect people from disease but have been pushed because they know they will trap the wearer into believing they’re about to die “of Covid” because they keep rebreathing their own co2 and it’s all part of the plan?
Idk, I hesitated to post this but it’s interesting and the thought keeps nagging at me. It’s so obvious the masks people have been wearing are garbage and if they really thought they worked, why wasn’t FEMA or Natl guard distributing n95s or respirators? It just seems more purposeful suffocation and creating perpetual life or death level fear than anything else, to me.
Adding that to tie it all together- the mask wearers have also been the vaxtards. Running to get the next jab. The fear compels them. Just a theory.
I just received a text this am a friend showing me how cute the girls Halloween costume is
A spider on her head with a wrapped around mask over child’s face (4th grade) Texas
I said what’s on her face -> stupid parents !
I received and still receiving how dare you ! Shame if you ! She’s sick with cancer and flu is going around needs this protection > full stop
I said well then maybe a true medical mask idk or none because breathing her own Could definitely say more like the childhood immunizations gave her the cancer as they are laced with cancer and it’s parasitic so no mask of any sort will do any good. Take the MSM down!!! NOW!!! - these people live and (die) by the msm false narrative and lies
The fear state imo is in full action still
The amount of information facts charts numbers links I’ve sent over years I bet not one was read or opened. If it’s not on the msm they will not consider otherwise ..critical thinking skills are so gone and on purpose over ages!