Wondering what people think about this. I've never been particularly religious but even a blind man could see that many events seem to be lining up with Revelations and other books as well.
I understand that "Antichrist" might mean different things to different people. There's the "Spirit of the antichrist" which is supposedly always at work. Then there are institutions that have been accused of being the Antichrist, for example, the Vatican and the Catholic Church. Then there are specific people that have been deigned Antichrists. From Nero and Antiochus Epiphanes IV, to Napoleon and Hitler.
However it is said that there will be one final personification of the Antichrist to bring about Tribulation and the rest of it. Is it possible he/she is alive and growing in our world today?
There is a Antichrist, and then there are those who are antichrist. Big A vs little a. Anyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus of even the teachings of Jesus are antichrist. There are Christian denominations who are antichrist. Sadly.
As far as guessing who it may be. He will be loved by many. Even around the world. Promising peace and all the goodies of the world. And most likely will follow through on such. He will be believed through his actions. All the while leading many good people down the path against God. Why would they need God, all their “plans” are coming to fruition. Everything is going perfectly. Trust this man, he is a true leader.... cunning like a fox. God fades to the back for those attached to the world. So if I was guessing who currently, I would say Trump. He has the potential.
Although many dislike him, which does nullify him somewhat. But give it time. Let’s say those who dislike him, have all debt paid. How about a few hundred thousand for being number one in the worlds economy? Work less a week and make more money. Whole planet starts to fall in line. The man is loved by every country for eliminating evil. Would the devil create an evil just to destroy it years later and be the hero? He’s not that smart is he? People underestimate evil.
Do not idolize. God is a jealous God. There’s nothing wrong with hoping and praying for a peace on Earth. But read your Bible. The story is already written. Those who love the world have no love for the Father. It’s either or. Can’t be both. Look to the Father, and His blessings will be upon you. I personally dont care who the Antichrist is or will ever be. I place no faith in any man. Trump, Q, or anyone else. Place your faith in Jesus.
It would definitely match up with the scene of him coming down the escalator in The Simpsons. Chess moves that are pre-planned decades if not centuries in advance.