Cyberhawk 0 points ago +2 / -2

I’m gonna say, they wouldn’t. So it must be something that looks like a human. Just gonna go with my gut on this one.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Been saying the same thing. The DNC convention should tell the tale. If it even happens. I’m sure she’ll have a “close call” by then and it’ll be cancelled due to radicals that wear red hats. You just wait, it’s gonna happen. They don’t have any good moves on the board.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s amazing Harris is so busy she has to take these calls on the run. So fake. They’ve already done this before. It’s like those advertisements for tech schools. The guy is always walking as he makes a statement. Make sure to to look at someone and say something like “good job Chris”. So annoying.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

Is there supposed to be something different that what we already know? The one thing that I found new, was as the solider or w/e he is, climbs the roof and is like the 3rd guy there noticed the five bullet casing lying around where the gun was fired. That is what I’ve been wondering, how many cases were found. Now we could start spinning someone dropped them as they approached, the one or two guys before him..we have no proof of that. Just that someone said “watch out for shell casings”, and then immediately the guy counted and 1-2-3..4-5. Seems the shooter was on the roof as we know.

I’m not getting anything good from the most blurred image I think I’ve ever seen off the water tower. Why would someone wear black on a white tower? If a person had any sniper training whatsoever, wouldn’t be wearing black and be spotted so easily. And definitely wouldn’t be in a position where they have to move immediately after firing. I don’t know what that is, I’m not sure it’s even human.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think you mean Luke 10:19?

No what I mean is do you think through those scriptures I listed previously, Jesus is referring to God’s protection(authority)from, as the Israelites had (snakes and scorpions..adversaries) or the actual giving of abilities to every Christian as the apostles had? The 12 specifically had those abilities granted by Jesus of course. Do you feel Christian’s acquired the same abilities in a way? I mean technically we do. When we pray for healing and the such, through Jesus God could easily grant such. I’ve seen preachers pray for healing to someone. If a person truly believes, I see no reason they can’t also cast out demons, as you say.

Very interesting. Ty for the conversation friend. Gave me some things to research on. 👍👍

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

I see this differently. I see Trump letting our enemy understand…they kill me, you die. It’s almost like scripture. He doesn’t have to kill the wolf to save the sheep. Just let wolves fight wolves. Spare the sheep. If Iran understands this, and believes this could happen, then the enemies they know about who jeopardize their nation, by trying to kill Trump, then it would be in their best interest to keep “those” enemies at bay. Whoever that may be.

That make sense?

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

And what’s the purpose for this? So they can say “see SEE, it’s her fault!” Bunch of finger pointing, is all this is. Will this be used to impeach Harris? To me, it looks like they are trying to get Speaker Johnson in the top spot as fast as possible. Otherwise this was a waste of time, outside of headlines in the msm. Which thinking about that, they probably won’t post anyways.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for posting scripture, something your other account or friend couldn’t.

Yes I see where it says Eve was the only one deceived. But of course who was charged with the ultimate breaking the law? Adam. Even in your own account of the man being in charged before woman in everything spiritual, in that case, man is to blame. Eve’s mistake is laid on adams head, and therefore Eve was deceived, and then Adam broke God’s law.

All these comments derived from the original post of Isaiah. Whose words the OP just made up. But allows us to have an actual conversation.

I was interested in that “rule over demons” reference. Only thing I can find is Luke 10:19. The translation for this verse doesn’t directly state that we have the authority over demons, as in the ability like the apostles had. But rather leans back towards Duet 8:15. Where, to sum up, Jesus would protect his disciples the same way God protected the Israelites from snakes and scorpions. More of a protection than authority. As Jesus/God is that authority.

What do you think about those scriptures? Or do you have another one that I didn’t fine?

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could you please post the scripture of God saying Adam wasn’t deceived or thereabouts?

Cyberhawk 8 points ago +8 / -0

Bet a 1/3 or more of those are not supporters of her. Just waiting for the blunders and cackles.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nothing surprising about it. The FIB, imo, is totally corrupt. Designed as a mop up crew for baddies. Messing up evidence so it can’t be used and overall a law enforcement specifically designed for the deepstate. The CAI is the military version. Much worse.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Both were deceived. Satan was the source. As you know. You could blame Eve, sure. That’s weak, because Adam knew the rule, and yet did not correct her or speak up for what he knew was wrong. So he failed to. Not one, both failed. In the end God’s law was broken.

Where does it say we rule over demons? First off, it’s real simple, you rule over nothing. God rules over all. Jesus gave the 12 the ability to cast out demons..does every Christian have those abilities? Short answer is no. Long answer is anything is possible through the acts of God, not you or me.

God gave us dominion over the earth, and even then, can you control anything of the earth? No. Everything requires faith and prayer in asking God for your wants and needs. You can do nothing. Only He can.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

When Trump was hugging on her(?), looked feminine. The face seems off. Glad I’m not single anymore. Crazy nowadays.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even there done this before!

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was called fake like a week ago by anons here in the GAW. Last I heard about it.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel like it’s Trump who doesn’t want the glass. He is a man of the people and wants to be among them. Problem is this is easily taken advantage of by the deepstate. Trump, I feel, is and has been in danger for awhile. All it takes in one clean shot. Deepstate is gonna keep going for that shot. I wish he would take better safety measures. I have no problems with him using the glass. I think people understand, esp after he almost got it because of stupidity on the SS part.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

“ The alleged victim had spent Friday night drinking in the bars and clubs around the Moulin Rouge cabaret - an area popular tourists - before the men approached her. ” It was 5am when she was making her way home. The local women mention they can’t wear miniskirts and like tube top things, without unwanted sexual attention late at night. There are men everywhere just looking at them….situational awareness people. In what world does a woman dressed like this, walking around in the middle in the night, not place themselves in danger? Any city in America is this bad. Of course Australia has a bad immigration problem, esp in their city. So knowing this, might wanna keep the street walker look and clubbing off your daily routine. And that goes for every woman, in every city in the world. She’s lucky to be alive.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

How this was a sticky as soon as it was created was wrong then. “If’s” shouldn’t be stickies imo.

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