I did a quick Google and Twitter search about this and nothing came up. E has been right about other things before and does seem to be some sort of insider.
So I suppose if Veritas drops this then that may be more of a confirmation that E is worth listening to.
E was a 18 year old teenager LARP.
Find me anybody who even mentioned this was dropping before E and I might believe you.
This guy was an 18 year old kid picked up by someone else in a car in the middle of night when Parler was still a thing.
You don't have to believe me but this was well documented that this E guy is a LARP.
So no link? Pretty sure you’re the LARPer.
Parler was demolished remember?
Come on bruh if you’re gonna troll at least try harder than that. You said it was well documented. At least keep your story straight.
I said was. It was all over Parler.
You think someone who's an insider would have time to edit 20 second long videos with music attached to stock videos .
If you don't have the documentation just say "it's not well documented" or "it's not documented at all and I have no proof."
Sure. They're an INSIDER--not retarded.
E: Also says investors will pull out of Truth Social and it will fail. Then Trump will have to go back to Twitter. Watch. Wait. Learn.
He has been very accurate on many subjects and is the most ardent supporter of Assange. Used to follow him but he went to Telegram.
Annnnd here it is 3 min ago https://twitter.com/laralogan/status/1585738292007313408
I did a quick Google and Twitter search about this and nothing came up. E has been right about other things before and does seem to be some sort of insider.
So I suppose if Veritas drops this then that may be more of a confirmation that E is worth listening to.
Be sure to address his identical twin brother. Lots of ways to play that card.
Mark Kelly is shit. We want him gone!
Lmao says the dude who has no idea who E is while responding to a 3 month old thread.
You think I’m E? Hard to be upset at your “faggot” comment when you’re an idiot.
K bye
I don’t know what you mean by that, but either way if you send one more disrespectful comment then you’ll be blocked.