In this hand-drawn animated tale, elderly married couple Hilda (Peggy Ashcroft) and Jim Bloggs (John Mills) have their quiet, simple lives in the English countryside interrupted when they learn of an impending nuclear attack. Not completely understanding the gravity of their situation, Hilda and Jim react archaically and insufficiently after the attack -- and the film takes a dark turn as the radiation begins taking its toll on the unsuspecting couple.
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I saw this for the first time when I was a small child. I didn't entirely understand what I was watching, but it still upset me on a deep level even then.
I recently rewatched it alongside the UK movie Threads. Both are brutally honest looks at the aftermath of nuclear war, in my opinion
Wow that was sad, but needed to be watched. Thanks for sharing.
...the truth arrives in somber attire....
It was taken from a book by the illustrator Raymond Briggs and was shown before its general release to the UK Parliament. It was reported that there were very many sombre faces on the MP's who watched it.
It was turned into a stage play with the same effects on the audiences
...this needs to be shared....