That pompous lard bag has been wrong soooooo many times it’s not funny. He should start a Goal Post moving company given the amount of times he does it. Heck, he only recently embraced Q! (As in only after the most recent posts…so looking to him as an authority on anything about Q is laughable really)
He should stick to his Sussman goal post moving and his other Durham predictions cuz hes soooo good and accurate at those.
Was it really just "believing Phillips"? I read Cates left Telegram because he found out Telegram was selling spammers access to comments in large accounts like his, and that he couldn't do anything about it.
I think Gregg's trying to get people off TG is very suspicious.
Data point, however: the past few major times when GP has said something AND provided the evidence for it, it's been massive. GP dropped Konnech, for what it's worth.
That pompous lard bag has been wrong soooooo many times it’s not funny. He should start a Goal Post moving company given the amount of times he does it. Heck, he only recently embraced Q! (As in only after the most recent posts…so looking to him as an authority on anything about Q is laughable really)
He should stick to his Sussman goal post moving and his other Durham predictions cuz hes soooo good and accurate at those.
Seriously, that dude is full of himself.
For a dude who runs around calling everyone else blind idiots he kinda misstepped there….
What I’ve noticed with him is he doesn’t really have many original thoughts…
he just curates things from his heroes and throws a “holier than thou” spin on it…
Also, he is not very open to anyone questioning him…
His parting line is “And you can quote me on that!”
Funny thing, every time somebody does quote him on his misses and asks him an honest question of why he whiffed he just bans them…
And in the same breath will bash Twitter, FB and all the others of suppressing free speech and opinion.
He’s really kind of a hypocritical boob.
Was it really just "believing Phillips"? I read Cates left Telegram because he found out Telegram was selling spammers access to comments in large accounts like his, and that he couldn't do anything about it.
Data point, however: the past few major times when GP has said something AND provided the evidence for it, it's been massive. GP dropped Konnech, for what it's worth.
Well, Cates is a professional Goal Post Mover so it could be that… 🤔
Perhaps saving face for getting all froggy cuz his hero said “jump”…???