The deep state had a plan, going back to at least 1989, we can see documentation of it back then,
The plan was to release a virus and scare the population so that lockdowns and travel restrictions could be enforced and the populus brought entirely under cabal control. Small businesses would be ruined and mega businesses like Amazon boosted by lockdown so it's a means of transferring money upwards and also reducing resilience.
This is the important bit.
We weren't supposed to have a vax for years, they said it would take years to develop and test, by which time the locked down population would be ill, poor, disconnected, demoralised and scared of the 'rona. The vax would be welcomed as would any digital passes to keep us all safe.
The vax would be mandatory because, being "full tested and safe" it wuold not be under emergency use. The cabal could vax us as many times as they likes until they had reduced the population. There would be no unvaxxed controls and refusers would be put in camps and murdered, their deaths put down as covid to further the narrative. (you know this would happen, they had already built some camps eg. in Sydney, they also murdered people in hospitals with the remdesivir/vent protocol)
This plan was very well advanced and was partilly implemented and very hard to stop because the cabal had the medical establishment, the governments and the MSM. they had all bases covered except Trump.
Trump's warp drive forced the companies to release their vax early leaving room for people to avoid taking it because it's not mandatory because it's not tested and under emergency use authorisation. Unvaxxed individuals are not dropping dead so eventually people will see that it's the vax which kills, not the 'rona.
This is how I understand it.
The deep state had a plan, going back to at least 1989, we can see documentation of it back then,
The plan was to release a virus and scare the population so that lockdowns and travel restrictions could be enforced and the populus brought entirely under cabal control. Small businesses would be ruined and mega businesses like Amazon boosted by lockdown so it's a means of transferring money upwards and also reducing resilience.
This is the important bit.
We weren't supposed to have a vax for years, they said it would take years to develop and test, by which time the locked down population would be ill, poor, disconnected, demoralised and scared of the 'rona. The vax would be welcomed as would any digital passes to keep us all safe.
The vax would be mandatory because, being "full tested and safe" it wuold not be under emergency use. The cabal could vax us as many times as they likes until they had reduced the population. There would be no unvaxxed controls and refusers would be put in camps and murdered, their deaths put down as covid to further the narrative. (you know this would happen, they had already built some camps eg. in Sydney, they also murdered people in hospitals with the remdesivir/vent protocol)
This plan was very well advanced and was partilly implemented and very hard to stop because the cabal had the medical establishment, the governments and the MSM. they had all bases covered except Trump.
Trump's warp drive forced the companies to release their vax early leaving room for people to avoid taking it because it's not mandatory because it's not tested and under emergency use authorisation. Unvaxxed individuals are not dropping dead so eventually people will see that it's the vax which kills, not the 'rona.
The cabal will be ousted and done for .
Excellent summary!