Kanye stepped off the plantation. Within a week, these assholes destroyed 1/2 of the man's net worth. They weren't satisfied and still want more.
I don't hold any great animus against the Jewish people or faith broadly speaking, but there are some particular Jews who are real nasty SoBs who deserve pretty much any form of justice you could imagine. The ones who seem to form this Ole Boys Network (I can't call them rabbis because most of them are secular and no no real connection to the faith other than loving the narcissistic part about God's chosen people) who own the media, Leftist academia, many of the financial and corporate leadership positions, etc... the ones you'll recognize by their "wokeness", those are the ones Kanye's targeting and he seems to be spot on.
Kanye stepped off the plantation. Within a week, these assholes destroyed 1/2 of the man's net worth. They weren't satisfied and still want more.
I don't hold any great animus against the Jewish people or faith broadly speaking, but there are some particular Jews who are real nasty SoBs who deserve pretty much any form of justice you could imagine. The ones who seem to form this Ole Boys Network (I can't call them rabbis because most of them are secular and no no real connection to the faith other than loving the narcissistic part about God's chosen people) who own the media, Leftist academia, many of the financial and corporate leadership positions, etc... the ones you'll recognize by their "wokeness", those are the ones Kanye's targeting and he seems to be spot on.