posted ago by FAFODay ago by FAFODay +15 / -2

So after my first post on this where I looked up the significance of the number 17 in the Bible (God wins, basically), I've been feeling the need to do some more digging on this, as it seems kinda important..

I've also been experiencing a number of synchronicities around this subject so it definitely feels like I am onto something. You can decide for yourselves but here is what I am looking at.

This all started when I started reading a book given to me last week by my MiL that is an account of a bunch of kids in Yugoslavia, who were regularly visited by the Virgin Mary. It's called "My Heart will Triumph" by Mirjana Soldo.

The tldr is that in 1981, 6 kids started having the Virgin Mary appear to them on a hilltop every day for a year I think. One still has visits to this day I believe. They were all given 10 secrets to be shared only "when the first signs started to appear in the world." To date none of them have revealed a single secret, but one thing they did share was that an "event" was coming that would be "the ultimate battle of Jesus with Satan" and that God's overall plan is to restore the planet to his original intention. There will be an undeniable sign that would cause the whole world to acknowledge the truth of God's existence.

I have been told by one Christian that this event will be so profound that things will never be the same again, and every person will be shown the true nature of reality, including the state of their own souls, and where they are headed if they do not change.

To quote from the book:

There is so little I can say about the secrets. When Our Lady entrusted me with the third secret though, she allowed me to reveal a few details about it.

I can say this much - after the events contained in the first two secrets come to pass, Our Lady will leave a permanent sign on Apparition Hill where she first appeared. Everyone will be able to see that human hands could not have made it. People will be able to film and photograph the sign, but in order to truly comprehend it - to experience with the heart - they will need to come to Medjugorje. Seeing it live, with the eyes, will be far more beautiful.

There are many more references to an "ultimate battle with Satan" and prophecies regarding a golden age, cleansing of the earth, vanquishing of demons/evil, etc etc but that would take many more pages. Check out the book, its very poignant and very relevant to current events.

The place where this occurred, Medjugorje, is in what is now Bosnia, has since become famous for these apparitions and is a place of pilgrimage for many people.

It also follows on from the events in Fatima where similar habbenings occurred.

Anyhow I had the idea to look up 17 in the Bible and this lead me to realise there are some important parallels with Biblical Prophecy, current events, and Q.

"God Wins"

"We are living in Biblical times"


The truth would put 97% of people in the hospital - Q post 142

What could possibly be so profound, so damaging, that this could be?

I mean even if they revealed the whole truth about the absolute worst stuff such as pedophilia, treason, sacrificing kids and drinking their blood, people would just go "woah" and then carry on about their lives.

The only other thing I can think of would be global war, nuclear destruction etc but that again does not fit the context of Q's message.

Double meanings exist.

What if The Great Awakening does not refer only to the truths of the cabaltards' schemes being revealed, but a global event proving the reality of God vs Satan? That might send a lot of people over the edge. 97% though I am still not sure about.

Project Looking Glass

When Q first mentioned this I was blown away. I had read about it but it was way out there conspiracy stuff and I had filed it away due to it being "crazy talk" kek. However, what if it is true that Q team have access to a device in which they can view past and future events? According to the conspiracy, no matter what the cabal tries, the only timeline that could be viewed past a certain point is the one in which the cabal loses completely.

What if they saw this event - some sort of global Rapture - in which God wins - and paradise on Earth is restored. That would certainly be Biblical, and be a very good reason why Q team chose that letter to represent themselves (17 - the complete victory of Jesus over Satan).

How can Q be so sure God wins, and that "Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. Nothing!"? Q even repeats Nothing again at the end to emphasize the point. I've always thought that there's always a chance something could stop what is coming, but if Q knows God really does win, prophecy-style, then it is true, NCSWIC. In this context it makes sense, and that whatever is coming is going to be far more profound that simply arresting a few thousand bad guys.

Sorry for so much text, and I may be way off target with this, I am just positing. But as I said, I have had some very clear, and directly related "coincidences" since researching this. And we all know there are no...

Also, I am not religious so my knowledge of the Bible is zero, so if any of you can expand on this (there is WAY more to this!), I would be delighted to hear more.

All I know is, my spidey senses are tingling.. "Wait until you find out who has been speaking to you here" - food for thought KEK!

Dig, meme, pray!