I understand your anger over the hypocrisy of them getting away with shit like libfucks visiting Kavanaugh and getting away with it while it's clearly illegal.
But suggesting we do the same is fucking unacceptable.
Not a fed Red. We have people that have not been charged for anything, yet they languishing in a jail cell for over two years. That’s the same shit a third world country does! We can let the left get away with shit, but we can’t do the same?! Why not? It works for them, why shouldn’t we do it? Hard decisions have to be made soon, otherwise, nothing changes and the left keeps getting away with murder. Everyone knows this, the time for virtue signaling is over. Actions not words…
To answer your questions: We cannot do the same because (even if we decided to behave like them), they have infiltrated the bureaucracy (the justice system, schools, election processing, etc.). Soros didn't buy all the DAs and judges for nothing; the law does not prevail right now. The system has been bought. WE don't buy the system back, put it into the hands of our party or any other; no, we have to cleanse the system and make it buy-proof. That's what we do.
I don't think the founding fathers would be so fucking retarded as to organize their militia RIGHT WHERE THE ENEMY IS WATCHING THEM WAITING FOR PEOPLE TO MAKE A MISTAKE!!!
In a tavern you can know who's watching.
In a town square you can also know who's watching.
Who's watching you here?
They also weren't so fucking retarded as to suggest illegal activity to have patriots on their side pointlessly arrested so we lose more numbers and the other side has more to gloat over while we've gained nothing for it.
Fuck this, someone, or a group needs to go visit that judge like they did Kavanaugh. This bullshit will not stop unless something is done.
I understand your anger over the hypocrisy of them getting away with shit like libfucks visiting Kavanaugh and getting away with it while it's clearly illegal.
But suggesting we do the same is fucking unacceptable.
Fedpost elsewhere bucko.
Not a fed Red. We have people that have not been charged for anything, yet they languishing in a jail cell for over two years. That’s the same shit a third world country does! We can let the left get away with shit, but we can’t do the same?! Why not? It works for them, why shouldn’t we do it? Hard decisions have to be made soon, otherwise, nothing changes and the left keeps getting away with murder. Everyone knows this, the time for virtue signaling is over. Actions not words…
Your suggested actions are fucking moronic, illegal, and grossly hipocritical.
Remember the part where I said you were EITHER a principle-less fucko or a fed?
If you're not a fed then you must be the former.
We do not act like them because we are not them.
They are winning now because what they do gains short terms wins.
What WE do gains wins that MATTER wins that STICK wins for GOD AND COUNTRY...
Actions not words indeed. OUR actions.
You are currently suggesting [THEIR] actions.
Grow some fucking principles like a great tree rooted in God's creation reaching for heaven.
Fight the right way or die becoming the enemy in MAGA clothes.
Again, not a Fed or a fucko, just fed-up, frustrated and angry at what is happening.
To answer your questions: We cannot do the same because (even if we decided to behave like them), they have infiltrated the bureaucracy (the justice system, schools, election processing, etc.). Soros didn't buy all the DAs and judges for nothing; the law does not prevail right now. The system has been bought. WE don't buy the system back, put it into the hands of our party or any other; no, we have to cleanse the system and make it buy-proof. That's what we do.
Your right, and I hate it, because it seems that nothing will get accomplished.
Imagine if other colonists told the founding fathers to stop red coat posting when they were rounding up a militia in taverns and towns squares.
I don't think the founding fathers would be so fucking retarded as to organize their militia RIGHT WHERE THE ENEMY IS WATCHING THEM WAITING FOR PEOPLE TO MAKE A MISTAKE!!!
In a tavern you can know who's watching.
In a town square you can also know who's watching.
Who's watching you here?
They also weren't so fucking retarded as to suggest illegal activity to have patriots on their side pointlessly arrested so we lose more numbers and the other side has more to gloat over while we've gained nothing for it.
Imagine if you had thought of that?
What the fuck are you talking about? Lol my comment must have went wayyy over your head.