The way I understand it, is the sun's emissions are being modulated by the orbits of the Planets, and possibly other local star systems to create these cycles. About the only thing man made emissions can do, is to add or subtract from the Peaks and Trough's of these cycles.
Yes, but as long as man has been measuring, which would be the past few hundred years, there has been negligible change. Sea level change is supposed to be a major indicator of Global Warming.
Yes I do realize the climate is always changing. But largely driven by the sun’s energy output and not man-made emissions.
The way I understand it, is the sun's emissions are being modulated by the orbits of the Planets, and possibly other local star systems to create these cycles. About the only thing man made emissions can do, is to add or subtract from the Peaks and Trough's of these cycles.
The Ocean levels have not changed since measurements began!
Ok, fair enough, but if you go back far enough, during the various Ice age's, Ocean levels were a lot lower than now, and much higher in between them.
Yes, but as long as man has been measuring, which would be the past few hundred years, there has been negligible change. Sea level change is supposed to be a major indicator of Global Warming.