posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +31 / -0

That's the point you know the Financial Collapse is upon us.

When any company cannot afford to pay their employees enough to reasonably purchase their own flagship product, that's the point where it's evident a Financial Collapse is imminent.

At that very particular junction, it worms itself into the minds of the employee that they are effectively working for nothing -- that the products they handle every day are out of their own reach. When someone isn't allowed to partake in the fruits of their own vocation, that's when they know they're a slave.

That's when they walk off the job. Don't show up in the morning. Dodge calls from management. It's not even worth it to pick up the phone and argue.

We are nearing that phase right now. Wage slaves aren't getting paid enough to be wage slaves. It's almost to the point where McDonalds employees are paying McDonalds, considering how much gets docked out of their pay going towards uniform.

Now, extrapolate that situation out. Apply it to Government Workers.

When the Government can't afford to pay its own workers, very specifically the ones who tell the Government that we're past the point of no return on inflation and spending, then the Government enters no-man's land.

At that point the ships censors that tell the crew the ship is taking on water are no longer functional.

The ship is taking on water, but no one is being paid enough to bother shouting about it.

Which means, the Financial Collapse is already here and the workers who would have told us about it can't be bothered enough to even send out a Tweet about it. In fact, they're probably happy to go down with the ship at this point.

I hope you've done your prep. You only own what you can hold in your hands and defend under your feet.