The people who took the clotshots worship science more than God's perfect natural immune system protections and natural God-made medicines.
The clotshot separates the people who trust God's creation and the people who don't. Trump obviously couldn't stop the Vaccines, but he was able to prevent vaccines from being mandatory for people and teach us discernment. Q said vaccines were for depopulation purposes. So Trump endorses Q and Q's antivax stance while being forced to endorse the vax so that antivaxxers and him aren't labeled as terrorists like the cabal had planned.
What's worse? Republicans including Trump labeled as terrorists for being antivax and being sent to concentration camps to all be slaughtered or to let people who trust vaccines obviously made by satanists to die because they didn't trust the Lord's perfect natural healing systems?
God can be on Trump's side even if there are casualties in this war. The best will survive and create a paradise on Earth.
We live in biblical end of times days. The vaccine simply separates the wheat from the chaff like the bible predicted the end of days would. What does that mean? "to judge which people or things in a group are bad and which ones are good."
Welcome to reality. War isn't quick and clean like the movies brainwashed us to believe.
This is one of the harshest truths I have ever had to accept. All my siblings are vaxxed. All I can do is make a documentary for the covid vaxxers, teaching them to heal naturally and stop taking vaccines. That's what I'm doing. A covid vaccine documentary for the most brainwashed covid vaxxers.
If you are excited about a covid vaccine that actually targets the brainwashed vaxxers demographic with undeniable evidence that it's a bioweapon while providing all the health information that can help them heal, I'll be updating people on the progress of that here:
The documentary is free and designed for the sole purpose of saving the 5 billion vaccinated people.
(All the other covid vaccine documentaries either cost money or are just designed to preach to the choir of already unvaccinated people.)
I’m sorry but being vocally snot the truth that it was a depopulation shot would have been the way to go. Saying”Pfeizer and bill gates are depopulation occultists, don’t take it” would have given many pause. My entire family (outside of my wife and children) have it, and most are religious church goers. 90% of aussies, tons of Wuropeans etc have it. If these giant clots like the ones being talked about on louder with Crowder are real and we don’t have a way of curing, the depopulation agenda will be legit implemented. “The plan” would be us watching thinking shot is being done. Being more direct and less covert would save hundreds of millions if in fact our current path sees that many more die. I’ve already lost a good 35 YO friend 2 weeks after the shot he had to get for a job. If this was the plan fuck the plan it was a bad one. There better be a cure somewhere close behind