All of this monitoring is based on the false predicate that we are so stupid we can't tell what is true and what is false, because we are too stupid to discern for ourselves, and the biggest threat to our democracy is misinformation.
Anyone who writes a story with those narratives should not be read, watched, or supported in any way, my 2 cents.
How did we ever manage to have elections before Twitter? /sarc
They were stolen in secret.
subtle ukraine colors again
So excited for whatever misinformation they won’t have resources to delete or debunk this week
All of this monitoring is based on the false predicate that we are so stupid we can't tell what is true and what is false, because we are too stupid to discern for ourselves, and the biggest threat to our democracy is misinformation.
Anyone who writes a story with those narratives should not be read, watched, or supported in any way, my 2 cents.
"Human Rights" is code for mean people. Oh no Mommy somebody said something mean on the internet.
A lot of information was shared on Twitter that we the people qould have never seen.
Videos of ballot stuffing, calls for support, etc...