posted ago by czarina123 ago by czarina123 +25 / -0

Originally, this piece was going to be something of a call to arms for my readers—for this Truth Community at large—to get out and vote in tomorrow’s absolutely essential Midterm Elections.

Ultimately, I reconsidered. Not because that message isn’t important—and we will revisit it before the end—but because it would be too simple, condescending and, frankly insulting to this audience.

Of course you know you need to get out and vote tomorrow and, as I explored in detail in my last special feature, ‘Lay of the Land,’ you also know that voting is of the utmost importance even IF the powers that would be enact another temporarily-successful ‘steal’ operation in order to cling desperately to the (public) levers of administrative power.

Today, then, I want to focus on something that should give us all calm, resolute and reasoned joy on the doorstep of a major inflection point in the U.S. theater of the war between Globalism and Sovereignty, even if we remain stoic and prepared for whatever may come. Today, I want to focus on the Death Spiral of both the Democratic Party in the short term and [their] System of Systems in the longer term no matter what comes from the Midterms.

You see, while the Midterms do represent an inflection point, I believe they mark far more beginnings than endings. Whether the Red Wave is actualized, resulting in one of the most celebratory and cathartic moments for the side of Sovereignty since Trump’s initial inauguration in 2017, or whether [they] send the nation into a psychological, tension-filled spiral of narrative warfare on the back of another clandestine voter fraud operation, the signs are there for the inevitable fall of [their] Democracy and the inevitable rise—rebirth, rather—of our grand, unifying and ultimately eternal Republic.

In a recent feature, I discussed the concept of Narrative Convergence, wherein I argued that, heading into October—and the Midterm Election cycle in general—something curious had started to occur in the realm of the Information War. While the Media Industrial Complex spent the better part of the last two years gaslighting a significant portion of the American electorate that not only was the Biden Presidency a good thing, but that the Democratic Party as a whole was inexplicably surging and picking up support this summer en route to what would be a sturdy ‘Blue Hold’ at the Midterms, that messaging shifted sharply within the last few weeks.

No doubt you’ve noticed it. In the place of skewed polls focusing on a slight drop in gas prices as Biden continues to drain the very Strategic Petroleum Reserve that Trump restocked, the Media Industrial Complex has transitioned from boosting sentiment in their own brainwashed base on the eve of the Midterms to prepping them for the very Red Wave we’ve been dreaming of since the Pretender-in-Chief was sworn in—or something like it—in January of 2021.

As I discussed at length in Narrative Convergence, while the Deep State’s messaging should never be taken at face value, and while that subversive collective should never be trusted, the intent behind their unified matrix of headlines should always be considered. By engaging with and projecting the intent behind Narrative Deployments, we can better understand the mind state of the enemy, and might even be able to suss out their coming moves, both Actual and Potential.

While Narrative Convergence does not signify open agreement or intentional reconciliation on the part of the Controllers, what it does signal is ground lost in the Collective Mind of American society (for them,) and ground firmly taken for us.

Put simply, the only reason the Media Industrial Complex has to agree with anything we say is because that thing has become so inarguable in the face of objective—and soon to be actualized—reality that to continue to advance its opposite would do more damage to their standing on the psychological game board than the acquiescence to our advancement.

What the convergence in the Red Wave narrative signifies to us is quite encouraging, even if I leave open the very real possibility that the Midterms could serve as an even more potent—if disconcerting—exposure opportunity regarding [their] election fraud apparatus. No matter what happens on Tuesday, the tacit and even open admission by the powers that would be of the loss of narrative control over the target population signals that [they] have firmly lost the public mandate to rule to an even more staggering degree than they had in 2020.

While polling—much like the aforementioned narrative deployments—should never be taken at face value, MSM pollsters can often be compared against themselves and their past assertions. In recent weeks, several trends ranging from troubling to absolutely catastrophic have emerged—and have been highlighted—for the ‘ruling’ party and by its usual corporate and institutionalized support vectors.

From a CBS News poll that determined that 79% of Americans would define their nation as ‘out of control’ on the eve of the Midterms—a sorry prospect for an incumbent party—to a headline-grabbing and prompting Wall Street Journal data set that claims white suburban women—the ‘mom’ segment of American society—have swung toward the GOP by a whopping 27-point margin within the last three months alone, the public data supports what the anecdotal observations of every man, woman and field mouse in the nation can see with their own two eyes.

[Their] system is falling apart, and [they] have totally lost the will and support of a massive majority of the American population.

Of course, from doomers to blackpillers to even the earnest, but understandably anxious contingent of the MAGA and America First base, there are many who would shrug at these numbers, either dismissing them outright or lumping them in with other hope-filled and ultimately meaningless observations from the real world out of the belief that reality has a way of failing in the face of the System of Systems that has been installed over our once-proud Republic.

In essence, how do we respond to folks who come away from any implied optimism ahead of the Midterms with not only a motivating charge to vote, but also a logic-based, optimistic outlook on the result of doing so in the first place?

Well, this is where Bicameral Thinking resurfaces, and begins to demonstrate to you why I employ it so frequently when it comes to both parsing and engaging with the narrative deployments and the Actual Events in this ongoing Shadow War.

As I argued before, I see this election cycle as something of a win-win proposition for us, and a lose-lose proposition for [them.] Either the Red Wave is actualized, or the Blue Hold occurs in a psychological environment that is far, far more recalcitrant to the Globalist system than it was even two years ago, thus providing more directed psychological energy and approval for both legal and narrative exposure of the criminal element that has infected every sector of our political system.

Even more encouraging than the shifting headlines and poll porn coming out of the Media Industrial Complex, and against the backdrop of sweeping changes to national election laws, far more civic engagement on the part of America First poll watchers and the lack of a convenient COVID-19 scamdemic with which to shield criminal and clandestine domestic fraud operations, the most encouraging sign to me that we are either in store for an incredible victory or a devastating bit of Narrative Whiplash—itself still highly effective in waking those still sleeping within the reachable mind—is the fact that the Cultural and Entertainment arm of the System’s projection apparatus has gone from confident to dismissive to panicked in its messaging in recent days.

From the screeching blue check hysteria that continues to melt down in the wake of Elon Musk’s strategic and, yes planned takeover of Twitter with timing as auspicious as it is uncanny to Liberal thought leader Bill Mahr’s recent statements that [their] Democracy is about to be lost in a matter of days, the messaging of some of our most loathed public figures is beginning to align with our own.

[Their] Democracy is under threat, because we are either going to overwhelm it with the sheer power of our collective mandate to elect our own leaders, or because, in the attempt to do so, we utterly expose any attempts at brute force rigging for the farcical and tyrannical miscarriage of American exceptionalism it is, paving the way for mass disclosure and legal ramifications as the public cry for justice shifts on a dime—mark my words—from partisan, Trumpian loyalism to a bipartisan, unifying decree.

[They] have pressed the panic button.

This is not hopium. This is not projection. This is sober analysis of the paradox [they] have been trapped in through the painful, but ultimately necessary exposure of their plans for this nation that the Biden Admin has represented. Whether through overt control by patriots or more covert, Game Theory-engineered prompting, the System has been revealed in all its ugliness. From cultural subversion to economic malfeasance to administrative overreach, Americans have seen the true, collective face of collectivism more clearly than ever before in the (seeming) absence of Trump, and they have come away angry, afraid and most of all, motivated to see and to action change.

While [they] slowly forced our tacit approval of a Shadow System over the course of generations by roping us into the grand illusion of participation in a system of government and ‘choice’ we never agreed to in the first place, that System has never been rendered more exposed for the rot that underlies it and ultimately makes it up than ever before.

Thus, the ‘death spiral’ I reference in the header to this piece isn’t representative of merely ‘winning’ the Midterm elections; it is indicative of the sea change in American culture that this moment in time represents.

We were told a few years ago that 2016 was NOT merely another four-year election. We were told that, “our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.”

If you need a refresher on what remains one of the great speeches in the American tradition—and a predictor of things to come—I recommend you revisit it today, and keep it in your mind when you cast your ballot, and when you’re feeling tense and anxious wondering whether or not said ballot will be counted, and if it is, whether or not it and so many others like it will be able to overwhelm the hall of mirrors the U.S. election system has become.

THAT was NOT another four-year election. And THIS is NOT just another Midterm election.

This is a means to an end. One of many that have come, and one of many to come. Whether we win on Tuesday at the ballot box and on the blue and red chyrons we’ll be watching crawl across screens across this great nation, our victory will have been codified because it has grown too precious and too real in the minds of so many to be dismissed, ignored or subverted any longer.

We have caught them in the ultimate pincer move. Cheat, and we will catch them, expose them and ultimately punish them to the fullest extent of the law. Relent, and we will retake our power through the first—and certainly not the last—wave of America First representatives who will summarily see our justice done for all of the wrong that we have suffered in the last two years and in the previous decades and even generations before. No matter what comes this week, we will use the fallout in order to peer through the looking glass at 2020 and at our recent history and [their] role in it before casting the view back even further, exposing all that needs to be exposed and doing so in the blinding light of a new American dawn that is just beginning to peak up over the edges of the horizon.

Democracy is on the ballot this week. [Theirs] will cease to be, while ours will be reborn and remade, inch by inch, vote by vote, exposure by exposure and arrest by arrest.

Remember, the Collective Mind is what we’re after, and no matter what happens, either a Red Wave or a Blue Fraud will serve the twin effect of pushing that Mind ever closer toward the sort of tipping point awakening that our chosen patriots need in order to help us usher in the new era.

Thus, whether we see the Red Wave or the Blue Hold, the 2022 Midterm Elections will not be a step back, but forward. Because the people—because we—will not stand for backward steps any longer. We will take this country back, legally and constitutionally, and we will do so beginning this week.

How long it takes [them] to concede it remains to be scene.

Embrace the chaos, folks. Embrace the cleansing and forging fires of this time in our history.

Every victory is cause for celebration and motivation for the next victory.

And every setback is cause to stay in the fray, resolute and undaunted, so that we might grow into the mold of the sovereigns we aspire to be, and to do so with the full knowledge that we have earned that sovereignty—that freedom—that we have taken it back, and that, once taken, we will never lose it again.

So go vote, patriots, because no matter what happens this week, this month and for the rest of this year, as the Strange War continues to escalate and accelerate, and as our minds expand and our wills calcify, only two congruent possibilities begin to coalesce out of the formless chaos we seek to give form to:

Either we win … or they lose.

Until next time, stay Positive, stay Based and most importantly … stay Bright.