"We become citizens of New Jerusalem by being born of the Spirit and then brought into a responsible place in the family of God, by the workings of His Spirit within us. The spiritual new Jerusalem is a glorious realm in God, far more glorious and spectacular than anything of the earthly Jerusalem has ever been! It is the free city, free from the old Mosaic law, free from the old Aaronic priesthood, free from the old fleshly Davidic kingship, and free from all of religion’s traditions, regulations, creeds, liturgies, methods, systems, and bondages of men. And when the new Jerusalem realm has come from God out of heaven to be manifested in all its fullness here in the earthlies, with all her glorious kingdom parts fully established and spiritually fulfilled, she shall indeed be, in truth and in fact, "the joy of the whole earth."
Much more in the link:
"One of the chief errors made by believers of almost all persuasions is the common notion that all saved people belong to the same company, order, or rank in the kingdom of God. If such were true, then all the types and shadows of the Old Testament would be absolutely meaningless. Men like to imagine that all saints are "going to the same place" in God, that all are the bride of Christ, all have the mind of Christ, all are sons of God, all will rule and reign with Christ, and so on. To assume this is to frustrate the purpose of God in the lives of His people! Do not be deceived by the shallow thinking and senseless prattle of carnal minded teachers and preachers, nor by the childish understanding of baby Christians. There are many justified believers who have not been filled with the Spirit of God. There are many Spirit-baptized believers who have not grown up into the maturity of the knowledge, wisdom, nature, power, and stature of Christ. And nearly all believers fit somewhere in between those who are merely "saved by grace" and those who have been fully and completely CONFORMED INTO THE IMAGE OF THE SON OF GOD."