Why are "people" like you so militant against Christianity? Do you hound any of the other religions, or flat earthers, or cryptozoologists? Are you hiding fear of the consequences for your own sins? If it's all a fairy tale, why bother?
It's your obsession with sin....Greek..means missing the mark...and your division of the population....if you don't say the mantra you won't get in heaven...it's the lack of any critical thinking and total belief in a story that you have never given any critical thinking to. It's the way you are totally manipulated by people with agendas ...
I could go on but I think you get the idea
You are just like the covidians...blind to the dangers.
Nope. There have been objective proofs of the truth of Bible content. For example, read the books by Lee Stroble. Or read "After the Flood" by Bill Cooper. He was an atheist and tried to prove one part of the Bible wrong, but instead found it 99% accurate as far as he could check. It was what is commonly called the "Table of Nations" in Genesis. You can find "After the Flood" online for free here: http://ldolphin.org/cooper/
If I'm wrong, nothing happens. But if you're wrong, it's tragic. And real Christians want everyone to know the truth. I have Asperger's, so I don't do things based on "feels." I need objective truth. I have searched over 50 years and believe what I've found.
Bill cooper was an alcoholic . He sent his wife and child away he says....why didn't he go away with his wife and child? Why stay when he knew they would kill him if he stayed?
If you want objective truth try Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles..he worked as a translator ..expert in old hebrew... Greek and other languages for the Vatican publishers and he discovered objective truth and had to give up his job as although the Vatican know the truth they don't want it known.
Have you any idea of the control and money religion brings in?
Don't believe...belief is based on feelings....it is not based on truth..belief ignores evidence in favour of feeling secure in a belief....no facts allowed
Why are "people" like you so militant against Christianity? Do you hound any of the other religions, or flat earthers, or cryptozoologists? Are you hiding fear of the consequences for your own sins? If it's all a fairy tale, why bother?
It's your obsession with sin....Greek..means missing the mark...and your division of the population....if you don't say the mantra you won't get in heaven...it's the lack of any critical thinking and total belief in a story that you have never given any critical thinking to. It's the way you are totally manipulated by people with agendas ...
I could go on but I think you get the idea
You are just like the covidians...blind to the dangers.
Nope. There have been objective proofs of the truth of Bible content. For example, read the books by Lee Stroble. Or read "After the Flood" by Bill Cooper. He was an atheist and tried to prove one part of the Bible wrong, but instead found it 99% accurate as far as he could check. It was what is commonly called the "Table of Nations" in Genesis. You can find "After the Flood" online for free here: http://ldolphin.org/cooper/
If I'm wrong, nothing happens. But if you're wrong, it's tragic. And real Christians want everyone to know the truth. I have Asperger's, so I don't do things based on "feels." I need objective truth. I have searched over 50 years and believe what I've found.
Bill cooper was an alcoholic . He sent his wife and child away he says....why didn't he go away with his wife and child? Why stay when he knew they would kill him if he stayed?
If you want objective truth try Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles..he worked as a translator ..expert in old hebrew... Greek and other languages for the Vatican publishers and he discovered objective truth and had to give up his job as although the Vatican know the truth they don't want it known.
Have you any idea of the control and money religion brings in?
Don't believe...belief is based on feelings....it is not based on truth..belief ignores evidence in favour of feeling secure in a belief....no facts allowed