Bingo. Timing of Elon takeover of Twatter is VERY telling that the election would be allowed to be stolen so people can spread the evidence of cheating on Twatter and thus, wake up the rest of the sheep. Then we go into precipice mode.
This plan makes no sense. To the sheep, that well was poisoned as of a week ago or whatever. This is the folly of wanting a military intervention before national redpill swallowing, crystalized in miniature.
wakie wakie, normies.
Bingo. Timing of Elon takeover of Twatter is VERY telling that the election would be allowed to be stolen so people can spread the evidence of cheating on Twatter and thus, wake up the rest of the sheep. Then we go into precipice mode.
thank you, precipice mode is now my new favorite phrase.
This plan makes no sense. To the sheep, that well was poisoned as of a week ago or whatever. This is the folly of wanting a military intervention before national redpill swallowing, crystalized in miniature.