I have said it repeatedly, this movie has more twists and turns than any rollercoaster I've ever seen.
We all wanted and expected Trump to be back in the WH long before this. But maybe it really did have to be this way. We are seeing record turn out all over the country. We are seeing highly motivated people standing in long lines to vote. We are also seeing plenty of .. shall we say .. malarky? And ALL eyes are on those parts of the country and ALL people voting know what's what BECAUSE of the 2020 election and BECAUSE of what we have endured and witnessed these past two years.
So, maybe we really did have to go through all this muckety muck to get to the point that enough people had their eyes wide open and were NOT going to let the BHs get away with a steal again. And maybe, just maybe, these new nefarious goings on will cause some newly opened eyes to realize what we've been saying all along is true - 2020 was STOLEN. And NOW, you see the proof. And maybe now, something can be done about it.
"Let's see what happens."
I have impartial views about doing all of this to wake the people up and to get massive voter turnout and people involved again. But that seems like a long term plan for a short term result. We’ve seen in countless times in the past. Bad policies happen, and the next election massive increase in R voters. But we as everyday people forget very quickly and that enthusiasm wears off very quickly until the same cycle happens again. I just think that if we really did have a red wave and got all of our people in that we wanted then that would leave people satisfied and complacent, just to leave them to steal it again in the next election due to no consequences for stolen elections. That’s the only way to fix this, accountability
From my perspective, too many Rs are Rinos, and that means when they do (occasionally) get into power, they waste it. They drag their feet. They behave cowardly, and things DON'T GET DONE! It's so frustrating. But perhaps if we ever got enough MAGA Rs in, then things would improve tremendously for the better and even the far left naysayers would take notice and jump on board.